What report can help verify if pixels load correctly on a webpage?

    What report can help verify if pixels load correctly on a webpage?

    • Gross Rating Points
    • Reach
    • Inventory Availability
    • Floodlight

    Correct answer is

    • Floodlight

    Explanation: Floodlight is an optional feature in Campaign Manager. It allows you to track and report on conversions – the actions of users who visit your site after viewing or clicking on one of your ads – and to set up an audience, which compiles lists of users who’ve performed specific actions on a site, then makes those users available for targeting by subsequent campaigns. To count how many users view the form, the advertiser has put a Floodlight tag on the webpage. The tag makes a call to Campaign Manager to detect and count the page view.

    Read more here: https://support.google.com/dcm/partner/answer/2823388

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