How to Select the Best WordPress Hosting Service 2020


Most of the Beginner Look for cheap WordPress hosting, but as being a beginner you’re not aware of the importance of WordPress Hosting.

This is why I’m writing this article to make you aware of the importance of selecting the best WordPress hosting.

WordPress hosting plays an important role in every successful website in the industry.

Selecting the best WordPress hosting as per your requirements can help you improve your SEO and it can also increase your sales. (Depending upon your nature of business).

When I started Blogging there were very few hosting providers I was aware of. but now there is a huge competition between WordPress hosting companies as now they have new plans and products to attract you like;

Now there is a huge competition between WordPress hosting companies as now they have new plans and products to attract you like;

Shared Hosting, Free Hosting, VPS(Virtual Private Servers), Managed WordPress hosting and Dedicate servers.

This guide can help you to select the best WordPress hosting as per your requirement and for your WordPress website.

Importance of WordPress Hosting

WP Expert Guides is a receiving a lot of visits daily basis with an average of 1 minute 30 seconds
of on-page time and an average of 2.35 page view per session.

we have years of experience using WordPress hosting.

We know the true importance of select the best WordPress Hosting service.

The main goal of writing this article is to give you some insights about WordPress Hosting. which will help you to select the Best WordPress Hosting as per your needs and your WordPress site.

Which will help you to select the Best WordPress Hosting as per your needs and your WordPress website.

To make things easier for you, I have selected a few industry’s best WordPress Hosting Providers.

These WordPress Hosting Providers are consistently managing their top position.

And providing exceptional quality and service to its customers.

What are the Requirements for WordPress Hosting?

I’m sure that you’ll be surprised to know that WordPress is really a light-weight script.

WordPress is compatible with all Web hosting companies in the industry.

WordPress has some basic requirements as mentioned below:

  • MySQL version 5.6 or higher
  • PHP version 5.7 or higher

WordPress is a very popular platform and almost all Web Hosting companies give you an option to install WordPress with just 1 click.

The Hosting providers we are listing in this article are offering full support for running a WordPress website.

best WordPress hosting 2

What things You need to Consider when Choosing a Best WordPress Hosting Provider

While Reliability, Speed, and Security are very important components that you need to think while selecting the WordPress hosting.

However, the most important component you need to consider is “Your Requirements”.

We need to understand your needs before buying your WordPress, this step will save you a lot of money.

Understanding Your WordPress Hosting Needs

As I mentioned earlier about different types of web hosting services such as;  Shared Hosting, Free Hosting, VPS(Virtual Private Servers), Managed WordPress hosting and Dedicate servers.

let’s dive into each of these services in detail to decide the best WordPress Hosting Provider for you.

What is Free WordPress Hosting

Nowadays you will find a lot of free hosting services, but most of all will have a *condition attached to it.

Most of the time you will find such offers in some group or online forums.

These type of offers are mostly provided by individual who owns reseller hosting accounts. and selling a small part of their

They give a small part of their server space for free to earn some revenue out of it.

How do they earn by giving up their server space for free?

Here comes the *condition part: most of the time they will ask you to put their banner ads on your website.

Most of the time they will ask you to put their banner ads on your website.

Some may ask you to add a text link to the footer of your site.

The resellers will sell that ad space or text link to cover the cost of their server space and keep earning the profits from it.

The worst part about using a free hosting apart from ad space is they are very unreliable.

As we never know when the reseller stops offering free services, this can put your website and hard work at risk.

So if you are really serious about your work and website and want to make your presence on the internet.

I personally advise you to avoid using free WordPress hosting.

What Is Shared WordPress Hosting

Shared Hosting service is the most popular WordPress hosting services used by Beginners.

It comes with a very low and affordable price and a good option for new users.

You might wonder how it is so cost-effective?

WordPress Shared Hosting is a server which is shared by multiple website owners. This reducing its cost and making it affordable to everyone.

This helps the Hosting providers to share the cost with multiple websites and making it affordable to everyone.

So if shared hosting is that good with lower rates why do we use dedicated or Managed WordPress hosting?

Let me shed some light for you, In today’s world everything comes with [*conditions] and here are they:

if you check shared hosting plans by any hosting provider (including the ones I recommend below) it says unlimited resources.

Well, after using multiple WordPress Hostings in my past I realized one thing and that is there is no such thing as unlimited.

But it says unlimited in the offer?

So here is the hidden truth about Unlimited, most of us don’t even bother to read Terms & Conditions page.

We tend to always click on “I Agree”.

But when you read the terms and conditions you will find out that your account/website is only allowed to use a certain amount of server resources.

As soon your website/account starts to use more resources, you will start experiencing downtime.

Then your hosting provider will politely ask you to upgrade your account.

if they don’t take any action on this, it can start affecting the overall performance of all the websites hosted on the same server.

I still say that Shared WordPress Hosting is the best solution available for start-ups and small businesses with fewer pages.

What Is WordPress VPS Hosting

VPS (Virtual Private Server), as the name says it all “Private Server”.

In VPS Hosting you get a Virtual machine, it is a method used by hosting providers to partition a physical server into multiple servers as per customers requirement.

Even in this type of hosting you are sharing your server but it’s less crowded compared to shared hosting.

This type of hosting gives the ability to control your server similar to a Dedicated server. (which I will talk about later)

It also gives you privacy as you own a separate computer and you can configure it to run specific server software as per your needs.

VPS is mostly used by intermediate users, Developers and Medium-sized bloggers this helps them to scale the websites.

Note: if you are not sure or don’t have technical knowledge about VPS servers, Please make sure that you buy a managed VPS hosting.

In managed VPS Hosting your Hosting provider will take care of all the system upgrades and they will be available to assist you when needed.

VPS Hosting is best for High traffic blogs, medium-sized business and Developers/designers.

Dedicated WordPress Hosting

Dedicated Server is like a physical computer on the cloud and you can take it on lease from your hosting provider.

This gives you full control over the server and you can select the operating system, hardware etc,

Note: YOU DO NOT need the Dedicated server if you have just started your website.

As your website becomes famous and successful and you start receiving a huge amount of traffic, that is the time you should consider upgrading to your own dedicated server.

If you don’t have a system administrator working for you or you don’t have technical knowledge about servers.

I advise you to buy a managed dedicated server. WordPress Hosting Providers who offer managed hosting servers, they employ system administrators to manage your server full time.

They also take care of all the software updates, server monitoring, phone support etc. Top websites around the globe use clusters of a dedicated server.

WordPress Dedicated Server is mostly useful for Extremely heavy traffic websites.

Managed WordPress Hosting

As the number of WordPress users keep increasing, few WordPress hosting providers decided to offer Managed WordPress Hosting.

Managed WordPress Hosting is very specific and limited only to host WordPress sites.

WP Expert Guides is Hosted with WPEngine. One of the best Managed WordPress Hosting provider.

So what are the benefits of using a Managed WordPress Hosting?

If you purchase a Managed Hosting Plan you don’t need to look for any optimization of your WordPress Website.

Things like:

  • Performance
  • Security
  • Backup
  • Plugin Impact

Your Managed WordPress Hosting Provider will take care of all these things for you.

BOTTOM LINE IS: Managed WordPress Hosting is Fast WordPress Hosting with minimal hassle.

Managed WordPress Hosting comes with a very high-quality support from well experienced WordPress Professional.

Managed WordPress Hosting is a great platform for well-established blogger/sites.

Who can easily pay the high price but it’s also a great platform for start-up bloggers who are not good with the technical side of server management/optimization.

That is why we recommend WPEngine Managed WordPress Hosting.

It sounds amazing, isn’t it?

But, Managed WordPress Hosting is usually costly and effective for high traffic WordPress websites.

For Example, a Personal account with WPEnging a popular Managed WordPress hosting costs $29.

You can only host 1 site with this plan and if your website exceeds the allowed limit of 25K visitors per month,
you need to pay overage charges.

The next plan is $99 for 10 sites, while this may not be a good option for someone starting a new blog.

I personally suggest to start with WPEngine Personal Plan, why?

When someone starts a blog, everyone wants to become famous quickly and rank higher in Search engines.

Using a good host give a boost to your rankings, how?

As you will be using Managed WordPress Hosting, your site speed will be higher compared to other startup bloggers and google give importance to sites with minimal loading time. (Site speed is also a ranking factor).

Below are few benefits you get with WPEngine Managed WordPress Hosting.

WPEngine Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Great server response time.
  • Free Automated Migration
  • Awesome site speed.
  • Daily site backups
  • Free SSL with every plan
  • 60 days money-back guarantee (if you feel it’s not good for you)
  • Best in class support available 24/7

WPEngine Managed WordPress Hosting Plans

WPEngine Managed WordPress Hosting


So now you have a better understanding of selecting a better WordPress Hosting, It is time to select the best one for your needs.

We run 7 different sites which get 100,000+ views per month, We’ve tested and worked with almost all top Web hosting providers in the industry.

After Helping a lot of WordPress beginners and years of Experience, Our founder Sufiyan Momin has personally selected some of Best WordPress hosting providers for you.

Each of them provides great support & service, We rate them 10 out of 10 points.

Check out the list of best WordPress Hosting Providers.



It is one of the oldest web hosting provider started in 1996, Bluehost has become A very large brand
name when it comes to Shared WordPress hosting. They are officially recommended by  “WordPress Team” for WordPress hosting.  With Bluehost, you don’t have to worry about your
WordPress website running slow even when you are getting a lot of traffic. They have 24/7 expert support,
Which is always there to help when you need it by phone, email, or live chat. They are rated #1 in web hosting for
start-up bloggers and small businesses. On top of that, they are offering WP Expert Guides users an exclusive discount. Which You can Grap Here Bluehost, You can also read How Can You Install WordPress Risk-Free On Bluehost? Start to finish the step-by-step tutorial



HostGator is hosting over 8 million domains and it is one of the most popular web Hosting Provider in the industry.  It gives you an option for 1-click WordPress installation,
with 99.9% uptime guarantee and they have 24/7 support, it’s a smart choice for every website owner.



SiteGround is one of the highest-rated and most popular WordPress hosting provider in the
WordPress community. They provide great in-house WordPress Performance and security solutions to make your
website as blazing fast and secure as possible. They are known for the highly-rated 24/7 support in the industry
which is why they’ve become an official ‘WordPress’ recommended hosting provider. SiteGround provides features
like built-in WP caching, automatic upgrades, CDN, one-click staging and GIT version control. They are also one of
the few Hosting providers offering location specific hosting with 3 data centres in the United States, Europe, and Asia.



They’re in business since 1998, iPage is powering over 1 million websites, and it is a very well-known
brand in WordPress hosting industry. With their 24/7 support, 99.9% uptime guarantee, and 1-click
WordPress install, iPage is a perfect place for start-up bloggers. With iPage, you get free security
suite, drag and drop builder, and everything else you need to build a stunning website.
it makes iPage the most cost-friendly web hosting provider on our list.



DreamHost is in hosting industry around for 18 years and is known for making website hosting easy.
You get the custom-designed dashboard, automatic WordPress updates, unlimited space,
1-click WordPress install unlimited bandwidth and free SSDs which helps to make your site 200%
faster. DreamHost is powering over 600,000 WordPress blogs and websites. They don’t charge you any setup fees,
and you also get a free domain.

Let me know your review about this WordPress Hosting Providers in Comments section below.

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