How to Build a $1000+/Month Affiliate Marketing Website (Make Passive Income) – 2021

How can I make $1000 a month passive income?

hey guys it’s Jason here and i’m so excited for this post because it’s taking me literally  months to put this together for you guys so in this post i’m gonna be showing you guys step  by step how to build a thousand dollar per month affiliate niche website so it’s a completely free  course on affiliate marketing and how to start an affiliate marketing website so the reason why i  actually want to create this video is because there are already so many videos showing you  guys different ideas and concepts on affiliate marketing but none of them actually show you guys  how to execute on those ideas and if you really want to be successful with affiliate marketing and  creating your own affiliate marketing website it’s not about the idea of it right it’s not about the  concept it’s about execution so in this video i want to show you guys the behind the scenes  process of creating a affiliate marketing website step by step and doing it the right way so what’s  different about this video is that we’re actually gonna be creating a real live case study website  with you guys and we’re gonna try and take it from zero to a thousand dollars per month  so make sure you subscribe for future updates for this website now there’s a lot to cover today  as i’ve actually separated this tutorial into seven different parts so part one we’re going  to go through understanding and answer some common questions that people have  for example what exactly is affiliate marketing what is an affiliate marketing website how it all  works and how do you actually make money with it then i’ll go through things such as why you should  actually start affiliate marketing go through some of the pros and the cons so you can decide  whether or not it’s for you or not for you then part two is we’re going to go through finding a  niche and finding the best type of products to promote to earn affiliate commissions then part  three we’re going to find low competition keywords and also profitable keywords that you can actually  target for your website so don’t worry if you’re not really sure what i’m talking about right now  i’ll go through it in more detail later on in part four we’re going to go through website  setup and design so i’m going to show you guys how to fully customize your website it doesn’t  matter if you want to create like a simple blog and monetize it with affiliate links or you want  to create an amazon affiliate website or like a product review website or any type of website  it’s fully customizable and i’ll show you how to do that part five i’m going to go through content  creation which is probably the most important part of an affiliate marketing business then part  six we’re going to go through optimization so i’m going to show you guys the step-by-step process of  optimizing your website so that it ranks in google right because you want to make sure your website  is actually ranking in google so that you actually get people going to your website clicking on your  affiliate links so i’m going to show you guys how to optimize it properly on page and off page  search engine optimization and then part seven we’re going to go through some final tips and  strategies to help you succeed quicker okay and i’m going to be showing you things that no one  normally shows you so i’m so excited to begin so make sure you grab a pen and a piece of paper  maybe get a coffee or some water or something like that we’re going to get started right now  so part one understanding and questions i want to go through this part because i want everyone to  fully understand exactly what it is and what it’s not right and also answer your questions because i  remember you know starting affiliate marketing and not knowing exactly what it was and you know how  to actually do it properly so what is affiliate marketing right so affiliate marketing is the  process of promoting a product or service for a commission so think about you as being a real  estate agent and you are helping the owner sell a house and if the buyer purchases the house then  the owner is going to give you a commission for that sale because you’ve helped him sell the house  right you’ve helped him advertise and promote the house and then you’ve sold it right so let’s  say for example the house price is let’s say a million dollars and you get two percent commission  so basically that’s around twenty thousand dollars so that is your commission right so affiliate  marketing is essentially the same thing but online so how it actually works is that you the affiliate  you can actually sign up for a affiliate program right so you can actually join the affiliate  program of many products and services that you have used already so for example on amazon  they have an affiliate program called the amazon associates program where you can actually join and  basically can promote all the products on amazon so let’s say for example you want to promote a  coffee machine to your friends or your customers or your viewers or your readers then what you do  is you sign up they’ll give you a special tracking link right it’s also known as a referral link  or an affiliate link and what that link does it basically adds like a cookie or like a little tag  virtual tag on that link so that it basically knows you know when the customer actually  purchases that that you actually referred them okay so then amazon will pay you the commission  so for example if the coffee machine is 500 there is a 10 commission that means you earn 50  right so there are many ways to actually promote your links right so obviously you can promote your  link on facebook you like you know send it to your friends and your families hey this is the best  product ever and then you can send the link there or you could do like what a lot of influencers do  on instagram you can do like click the link in my bio or use xyz for 10 off and things like that you  can also email people um you can also reply and you know comment on different forms and everywhere  around the internet and leave your link right but those aren’t the best ways to actually promote  your affiliate links the best two ways are your website and a youtube channel okay so in this  video we’re going to focus mostly on creating an affiliate website so we’re going to be focusing  on that so the reason why it’s best to promote on a website or a youtube channel is because these  platforms are search engines so people actually typing in google like looking for things they’re  researching different products and services and trying to figure out you know is this product  good or not right so there are thousands or maybe millions of products and people want to know you  know is this product for them you know should they be looking at a budget option or a more expensive  option they also want to learn how to solve a problem right so people also type in you know  how to on youtube as well just like you found this tutorial you might have typed in how to make  a website or how to start affiliate marketing or whatever it is you are looking to solve a problem  okay so on these platforms people are looking for things when we’re talking about these different  other platforms for example you got like facebook instagram or an email a lot of times people aren’t  really looking for a review right they might just be scrolling on facebook or scrolling through the  instagram feed but they’re not really in the mindset of purchasing something but let’s say  when you’re creating a website and your website’s ranking on google then you know people are looking  for that review right and if your review is on the first page of google they click into your website  they click your link and then you’re able to earn a commission so it’s a lot more natural  and the conversions are normally higher and so you’re able to earn more commissions right so  you’re also able to earn a passive income because if your website is actually ranking on google  then every single month there’s a consistent amount of people who are actually searching for  specific products and specific product reviews or how to do certain things okay so if your website  is there your website never sleeps and people are able to access your website from anywhere around  the world and that’s how you actually generate a passive income okay so what i want to show you now  is just a real example of how it actually works and how do you actually make money from it and  how much money can you make okay so we’re going to open up google okay so what i want to do now  is just show you an example of how it all works and how much commission you can expect to earn  with affiliate marketing and with a website so we’re going to type in nord vpn review so nordvpn  is just a vpn provider and a vpn is a virtual private network which basically just allows you to  hide your ip address so that when you’re browsing the internet then no one can actually track your  actions and you can also use it to unlock netflix of different countries because you can connect  to a different sort of server with a different ip address for example if i’m in australia  i can connect to united states and i can watch the netflix in the united states  okay so i just wanted to explain uh what it was okay so generally um that’s the type of content  that you need to create when you’re creating an affiliate marketing website um because people  are just about to purchase right so you can’t just create any type of content it has to be  content where people are just about to purchase or they’re in the process of solving a problem  and then you’re recommending them a specific product okay so on the top over here is the  google adwords results so basically the company will actually pay google for every click that  someone makes and clicks into that website right so that is how google actually makes money and  if you actually scroll down over here you can see the organic results so you can actually see  a ton of different affiliate marketing websites and we’re gonna click into this one over here so  let’s say for example you are reading this review and you’re reading about it and you like it so if  we actually click on visit website you can see on the bottom that is an affiliate tracking link  right so if someone clicks on that that’s going to basically add like a cookie onto the browser  and if they purchase through that link then it’s going to track back to this  website over here and the website’s owner so if someone purchases and grabs the deal what you’re going to notice is that you can see the two-year plan over here and  you can see the price of 89 for the first two years and without the discount is 286  right so how much commission does this website owner actually make from a sale so what we can  do is go to the website or whichever company that you want to promote and you can  scroll down to the very bottom and generally what they have is a section where you got the affiliate  program and you can click into it so it might be called like partner program or anything like that  and you can become an affiliate and then you can get a tracking link and add it onto your website  so we can scroll down over here now generally a lot of websites will actually show how much  commission you actually uh get paid so for the two year offer the owner actually gets 40  per new sign up okay so we’re going to get the calculator out and we’re going to calculate it  so 89 times 0.4 so 40 so that’s around 35 dollars per sale okay and once they renew as well so let’s  say for example um whoever purchases this plan they like it and they renew it for 286 dollars  then the owner is going to get a renewal fee as well so it’s going to be 286 times 0.3 and then  they get paid 85 on the renewal okay so that’s how it all works and how you actually get paid now the  next question is like how much does the website actually earn so the website um it really depends  on the type of content um that you actually create so let’s say for example you create a random piece  of content which is not very very uh sort of targeted people aren’t looking for the product  then it might be zero percent conversions and you might not be making any money at all  but for this type of keyword people are just about to purchase right so we actually need  to figure out how many visitors does this website actually get so you can actually use a tool called  ahrefs and for this specific uh key phrase it’s actually searched around 25 000 times in the  united states per month right and then the global volume is around 44k right so that doesn’t mean  this website and this page over here gets you know 44 000 people on the website right that’s too much  because uh that’s the amount of people who are actually searching for that key phrase but it  doesn’t mean that they click into that okay so we can actually scroll down to the very bottom  and we can actually find the website over here the vpn mentor and you can see the estimated traffic  um monthly visits over here so it’s around 5200 okay so if we get the calculator out and we do  5200 and let’s say one out of every 100 person uh purchases right so just one percent so we can  times that by 0.01 that’s around 52 purchases per month now it might even be a lot higher because  they actually have um the adword position as well so as you can see um let’s go back over here  they actually have their advertisement up here as well right so it can be quite high as well but  the the traffic over here this is the organic search results okay so for example 52 times 35  that would be about a thousand 800 per month for that specific page only so what is really amazing  is that as you can see on the actual website over here they don’t just have you know one product  that they’re promoting right or one keyword that they’re targeting per page they got multiple  pages like nordvpn coupons expressvpn and they’ve also got you know different other  key phrases that people actually searching for as well so this website over here is  probably earning you know seven figures per year because it has a lot of traffic um to the website  okay so you know it’s really important to understand that you can’t really expect to achieve  these results especially if you’re just starting out this is actually a very very competitive niche  because the commission rates are quite high right if we’re actually talking about this product over  here this is actually like a digital product or a virtual product and the profit margins  for this company is going to be quite high and that’s how they actually pay such a high sort  of commission rate right so not every affiliate program pays such a high commission rate right  so if we look at the amazon associates affiliate program and we can click onto here to learn  how much do i earn from the program you’ll actually find the commission rates over here  as well so let’s say for example we’re talking about the coffee machine that’s around 4.5 percent  okay and we look at the most popular coffee machines you know it might be like 200 or  something like that so this one over here um let’s do some calculations so two two nine times zero  point zero four five okay so that’s around ten dollars per sale so it’s not as high and you  don’t get the renewal fee so it really depends on what type of product that you are promoting  and it depends on the conversions as well and also the commission rates on how much you can  actually earn and obviously it depends on whether or not you can actually rank your website up there  and how many sort of pages that you are creating so let’s say for example this is your website  what you’ll have is you’ll have separate pages for different products and different reviews  and different pages for different content on your website so each page is sort of like this little  uh rental property that you have right so each product that you promote might have a different  commission rate and it might have also a different number of people who are searching for it as well  as a different amount of visitors that come to your website so it’s sort of really just like a  virtual rental property so it’s going to take you time to actually build up it’s not like a get rich  quick thing at all but don’t worry i’m going to show you guys step by step how to actually do it  so right now you’re probably thinking you know is this even real is it too late is it a scam and you  know other people making money with affiliate marketing so i know how you guys feel because  i felt the exact same when i first started with affiliate marketing right i signed up for a lot  of email um email newsletters and a lot of webinars watch a lot of videos and a lot of  people showed me screenshots of you know how much they’re making with affiliate marketing right so  for me when i first started i actually thought that a lot of people showed me screenshots of  people who are actually um like their core sales and things like that those screenshots for the  course sales but i think a lot of people um legitimately make money with affiliate marketing  right they just don’t show you so this is one of the affiliate programs that i’m a part of  and yesterday we made around 70 right so this is very very real now i’m not saying that you  guys can achieve this overnight right it’s going to take a lot of work and it’s going to take you  time especially when you’re creating a website and ranking it on google right because you have  to create the content and things like that but this is very very real so it also depends on the  types of products that you’re promoting so this one is a digital product so the commission rates  are higher so for example on you know the 28th you know we made over a hundred dollars right  and this is another affiliate program where it’s uh reoccurring commissions so i made 11 sales but  there has been over 39 rebuilds right so every time it rebuilds then it pays  me another forty dollars okay so every single month so this is another affiliate program over  here so i’ve earned over seventy eight thousand um so yeah it’s very very real so it’s not just me  and also you know other websites that you have not really heard of that is making money so  this website called wirecutter which is recently actually four years ago acquired by new york times  for 30 million dollars so if you actually search up wirecutter and search up on wikipedia  you’ll see that they were acquired by the new york times um 2016 for 30 million dollars  right so if you actually go to the website you can actually see um it is primarily an  affiliate marketing website so it’s a content website that does reviews on different products  and they monetize with affiliates so for example over here it says wirecutter is reader supported  when you buy through links on our website we may earn an affiliate commission so they actually  generated over 150 million in revenue from affiliate programs so that doesn’t mean that  they made 150 million otherwise they’ll be selling for like probably over a billion dollars but we do  have to take into consideration the affiliate commission rate so let’s say for example 150  million so one i think that is is that too many okay that’s too many zeros let’s do that again so yep 150 and then let’s just say for example they are selling physical products so let’s say  five percent that would be around 7.5 million um from its launch which is 2011 to 2016.

How can I make $500 a month in passive income?

So if we  divide that by five okay that should be over 1.5 million or maybe even more than that uh 2 million  per year in revenue okay so affiliate marketing is very very real um there are a ton of websites that  use affiliate marketing as a way to monetize their content and youtubers also do the same as well  so sam over here is a travel and aviation youtuber right and he’s also promoting uh vpns because vpns  are quite popular since you know it’s sort of like a product that everyone probably needs  and as you can see here it’s over four hundred thousand views so you can bet that he’s generated  you know thousands and thousand dollars from promoting you know the vpn so affiliate marketing  is very real and this leads me to the pros and cons which i want to talk about so you can fully  understand exactly you know the positives and also the negatives of affiliate marketing okay  so let’s discuss some of the pros of an affiliate marketing website and affiliate marketing business  so number one you’re able to earn passive income so the reason why i actually got started with  affiliate marketing was because you know my dad actually owns a restaurant in melbourne australia  and basically every single day he would be working every day you know and i’ll just be at home taking  care of my brother and my sister and we barely ever went on any holidays and things like that  so i was always you know searching up how to make money online and how could i actually make money  while i was on holiday so i didn’t have to spend you know time just working all the time and i  couldn’t you know travel and things like that you know so that was one of the biggest reasons why i  actually got started with affiliate marketing so you’re able to earn passive income because  if your website is actually ranking on google it means that it’s there like right it’s there 24 7.  anyone’s able to access that anywhere around the world and every single day there is a consistent  amount of people who are actually searching for your website and what you have to offer so for  example if you’re creating a coffee machine review or like nordvpn review or like you know different  product reviews there’s a consistent amount of people who are searching for that every single  month and if they click it and they purchase it and that’s how you make passive income  and you’ve also got unlimited potential so this doesn’t have any limit to how much you can earn  so i remember working as a waiter at my dad’s restaurant and i would get paid like 13 to 15  per hour and i would work like 10 hours a day and basically like the whole day will be gone because  the rest of the day i’ll just like be used to showering resting and eating and just sleeping  right but the rest of the day the other 10 hours is just gone and i couldn’t really earn more  than that so if i earn you know 15 times 10 150 per day and that was a ceiling that was a limit  but with affiliate marketing there is no limit it depends on how hard you actually work right the  more content that you produce the more you’re able to make and you’re also able to work from anywhere  in the world so you know for me i started to make you know over ten thousand dollars per month from  affiliate marketing in 2000 and end of 2016 and 2017 so i was actually able to travel and work  at the same time now i don’t really recommend it if you’re just starting out um because when you’re  traveling and working it’s not as productive but you can do it okay so number four it’s also very  low capital and low overheads so if you were to start like a brick and mortar business or even  an e-commerce business you know at least you’ll need five ten thousand dollars to start an online  business where you have your own goods and you’re selling that right but with affiliate marketing  you can start from as little as 100 and also number five it’s also very high profit margins  so for example if you’re promoting a product you don’t have to sort of um you know order the goods  like let’s say for example if you’re starting e-commerce you have to order the goods you don’t  really have to hire anyone and you’re also able to earn a us dollar so for example i’m in australia  i’m able to let’s say i earn ten thousand dollars then it would be like you know times 1.35  the conversion rate to australian dollars so it’d be like 13 000 or more okay so that is really  really awesome especially if you’re living in a country where it’s like a lower cost of living  that means you can save a lot of money and yeah it’s just really really awesome so number six you  get to be really really independent and creative uh what i mean by that is that if you are working  at a company and things like that you know it’s very very uh like you have to follow procedures  and you have to do you know what the boss tells you to do but with your own affiliate marketing  business you can create any type of content and you can be really creative with it as well  so you can just fully express yourself um number seven you don’t need any special skills  or certifications you don’t need any special certificate for affiliate marketing you can  join any affiliate program as long as you have a website or like a a following um most likely  they’ll actually accept you now if you don’t have a website and don’t have any type of you know sort  of presence online some affiliate programs might not let you join so that’s why creating a website  is really important so number eight you don’t have to deal with any shipping or customer support  so i do think you do have to let’s say for example if you have a website if people uh  you know comment on your website and things like that you do have to reply um but there is no like  consistent sort of customer support that you have to do right the company will actually do that um  you don’t also need to show your face um you know you don’t have to be a celebrity if you don’t want  to you can also use the skills that you learn from affiliate marketing and creating a website  to any other business that you want to pursue later so i think this is a really big one because  a lot of people sort of want to do different things later on and you can always use the  skills that you learn here later on okay so i’ve gone through some of the pros and the benefits of  actually starting an affiliate marketing business and an affiliate marketing website now i want to  go through the cons and sort of the negative side of affiliate marketing because i think it’s really  important to understand and that way you’re able to succeed a lot faster and also have continued  success as well because then you actually know what to do sort of after right so number one with  an affiliate marketing business it’s gonna take you time to achieve results right so if you’re  just starting out fresh then probably you would expect you know to get results after the six month  mark because you do have to actually take time to actually create the content and you do have  to rank your website and there’s quite a lot of things that you have to do um in between right  so a lot of people think that okay i can make money really quickly i can make money tomorrow  and you know live this fancy lifestyle and things like that but to be honest you know because i’m  not selling you any course like there you can’t really achieve that so quickly it’s like if you’re  starting like tennis or if you’re starting a new sport right you can’t really win the competition  so quickly there’s a lot of different steps that you have to take like let’s say for example you  have to learn um with tennis you have to learn how to serve you have to learn your forehand  your backhand you have to learn strategy you have to keep fit it’s basically the same thing  when you’re starting your own affiliate marketing business right so the people who are showing you  how you can actually make money in seven days and things like that when they make videos about that  most of the time it’s for people to actually click into that video and watch that video um those  people actually have experience already right so it’s different when you have a following already  and when you actually have experience already with business and things like that but if you’re just  starting fresh like let’s say for example you are just learning about online business you’re only 18  and you’re getting started it’s going to take you time to actually build up your skills and actually  you know make money right so sometimes you can actually earn money quicker but sometimes  you won’t be able to actually sustain that right so what you want to do is you want to  create really great content and that’s going to take you work and time so you have to understand  that affiliate marketing is sort of like your own virtual rental property and obviously it  does take you time to build that up so number three commissions and terms can change overnight  so a few months ago amazon actually changed the terms so the commission rate was like cut in half  or severely reduced so it’s really important to understand that when you’re joining an affiliate  program the the company can actually change the terms overnight right so that’s why you want to be  very selective with the types of products and types of affiliate programs that you sign up with  and also once you become successful with it you should start promoting more products as well to  sort of mitigate that risk okay so number four there’s quite a lot of competition because there’s  a low barrier of entry so to actually start affiliate marketing it’s free pretty much right so  that’s going to create a lot of competition but to be honest there’s no reason why you can’t be  the best okay there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t compete um there’s a lot of different  products out there and there are a lot of different new products which are coming out  as well okay so it’s definitely not too late and you can definitely be the best number five you  don’t have control of the product or service so what i mean by that is let’s say if you’re  promoting a product maybe this year it might be great right but then next year the product might  not be as good anymore so it has changed right so you don’t have control of how the company uh  like the management of the company and the types of different um improvements the company makes  as well so that is a big con i guess so that’s why you have to choose the right company to promote  um don’t just promote any type of company and you also have to understand that when  you are promoting something you are not really building up a customer base for your business  so over time after you know after when you made some money with affiliate marketing  then you’re gonna start thinking about other revenue streams as well like when you’re just  starting out you shouldn’t really focus on too many different revenue streams because  that’s going to overwhelm you and that’s going to take away from your focus on creating content  and things like that but over time once you have more experience you can create your own product  you can do a lot of other things and make money online okay so once you have a website and things  like that there’s so many opportunities that you can you know explore so number six you do have to  maintain your content so it’s not like okay i just create a piece of content and i leave it up there  and that’s it you know you have to update your content just like you have to update  or maintain a house okay so number seven it’s very easy to get distracted so when i first started  with affiliate marketing and online business you know i was just very very unself-disciplined and  you know get distracted really really easily um because you are your own boss like you controlling  everything you control your own schedule and if your friend asks you to go out then you can go out  and you know you’re not doing your work anymore so you do have to police yourself and you do have to  make sure that you actually do the work and you have to set schedules for yourself and you have  to do all those things by yourself right because you don’t have a boss looking over your shoulder  there’s no pressure for you anymore so it’s very very important to understand that so with that  said i still think affiliate marketing is still really really amazing especially if you’re just  starting out with online business and you want to make a passive income online so what we’re  going to do is we’ll get straight into this video and we’re going to talk about how to find a niche  and finding different products that you can promote and also looking for lower competition  keywords that you can actually target for your website and things like that  so part two we’re going to look at finding a niche and finding products to promote so how we’re  going to approach it is that we need to find the general idea of the niche that we want to get into  then we can find the products and then we can find the low competition and profitable keywords  to target for our website’s content so it’s really important to understand that you don’t need to  pick the perfect niche because a lot of times your first one might not be the one right but what we  need is just a starting point and a direction of our niche so that we can find the right products  and things like that because when we’re actually creating an affiliate marketing website right we  just need to change the content if we ever need to change something right let’s say for example  if you want to start a restaurant as a business and then two weeks downline you want to change  it to hairdresser it’s completely different i mean that one you need to pick the right one from  the get-go but with affiliate marketing website it’s just about the content and you can delete  the content you can start a new website it doesn’t really matter okay so basically when we’re talking  about finding a niche just think of the person or the specific group of people that you want to help  so i know that you guys want to make an affiliate marketing website and make affiliate commissions  and and make a passive income but it’s not really what you should be thinking that you are creating  right so all you’re creating is just a helpful resource a helpful website to help other people  so you want to help other people make a purchasing decision you want to help them save time and  also save money and you also want to help them solve a problem so a lot of beginners actually  think that okay you need to become a better affiliate marketer to to make more affiliate  commissions right so what we’re actually doing is we’re actually creating content so  then we actually use affiliate marketing as a way to monetize and make money from our content  so basically what you need to do is you need to get better at creating helpful content so the  better the content the more affiliate commissions that you can make so a lot of people think okay  to make more commissions you need to be better at marketing better at selling better at promoting  better at creating funnels and email opt-ins and learn some kind of secret technique with affiliate  marketing there’s no secret technique so what you need to do is you need to become a better content  creator so you have to make sure you remember that it’s really really really important so when you  want to find a niche what you need to do is you need to start brainstorming some different ideas  so you can actually use a app called miller note so it’s free to actually sign up  and then you can use that to organize your thoughts or you could just use a piece of  paper and what you want to do is you want to start off with things that you’re interested in  and skills that you currently have and then you want to look at you know what current problems you  are having and maybe problems that you’ve had in the past you know write that all down and then you  want to look at okay what videos am i watching you know what blogs am i reading things that you’re  researching write that all down because it’s really important to try to figure out which one  to actually go with right so let’s say for example my personal skills and interest are  in youtube affiliate marketing i’m not really that skillful in investing but i’m very very interested  in it i have some skills in recording videos and editing videos and also i’m interested and i have  some skills in regarding restaurants because my dad owns a restaurant and things like that  and some problems that i had in the past is i had trouble finding a point of sale machine for my dad  earlier this year and more recently like another problem that i had was trying to find the right  investing platform to use because a lot of people on youtube are promoting like weeble and robin  hood but i’m in australia and i think those apps aren’t available in australia so i went with etoro  right so write down all your problems and things that you are researching as well so i know that  sometimes you know you might not find that you are passionate or interested about anything  right so the thing is like if you’re really really young then it’s going to develop over time  so don’t worry about it just pick something that you are a little bit interested in and then that  can develop over time and then once you actually try it then you can actually know whether you  like it or not right it’s like trying different uh food for the first time like if you’ve never had  like japanese food um then you don’t know if it’s good or not right you have to try different food  and then after a period of time once you’ve tried uh different cuisines then you actually know okay  which one you like and which one you don’t like so another idea that i have is that you know find  something that you have a little bit of interest in and then be passionate about creating the best  solution possible be passionate about creating the best website the best helpful resource that  you can be passionate about helping other people uh solve a problem better than other people so  choose one and go with it don’t overthink it so basically from you know my interests and skills  and my current problems then we’ve developed some website ideas right so i want to create a website  uh that is based around helping other people start and grow and earn money on youtube  okay second idea is helping uh people especially people in australia how to start and learn about  investing right so this is sort of like a quite a big niche so i did want to narrow it down to  australia because otherwise there’s too many different countries to cover and i wouldn’t  have too much knowledge about the different apps for all countries right so i just wanted to create  a very specific one just for australian people so you can create one specific for your country  as well because i know that investing is like a very very big niche and also a very profitable  one because it’s talking about money you do want to sort of narrow your niche down sometimes and  another website idea is you know i will create a website based around helping restaurant owners and  small cafe owners simplify their business and to become more profitable okay so these ideas  these website ideas are based on sort of my own experience and my own interest and my own skills  but i want to discuss some some different ones as well so that maybe can spark um some different  ideas for you guys so let’s say for example um you have maybe back pain or something like that  then maybe you could create a website about back pain and then maybe you could give some tips about  how to improve that back pain and then you can recommend different products such as different uh  chairs or different uh beds um different massage equipment or whatever it is right or maybe you’re  interested in pets or dogs then you could create a helpful resource to help dog owners find the  right uh dog food or it could be um you know any equipment or leashes or anything like that that  helps the dog owner to become more successful with taking care of their dog and things like that  another idea is that maybe you could create like a website that helps people uh find love or  something like that and then you could help them find the right sort of dating website there’s so  many different ideas and i’ve actually created a list to help you guys get started as well so  you can just pick one and then what you need to do after that you just need to ask yourself  okay what products and services does this person need to succeed right so let’s say for example um  what products and services does a youtuber need to succeed right so number one they’ll probably need  courses whether that be like a filming and editing course a course about money how to make money on  youtube um maybe different equipment for example like different camera different uh microphones  audio equipment editing software youtube optimization software or different equipment  such as like desks chairs lamps anything like that um if we’re talking about like a website about  helping australians start investing then i could promote things such as you know trading apps like  platforms like weeble robin hood etoro investing courses or any type of investing software  if we’re talking about the restaurant owners you know what products do they need well they need  maybe point of sale machines different accounting software different training and courses or maybe  equipment such as like kitchen equipment and things like that okay so you have to ask yourself  what products and services do they need to become successful just jot that down and then next what  we’re going to do is we’re going to get some ideas from different affiliate marketing websites so  what you can actually do is open up google and let’s say for example we’re creating a website  for uh youtubers right so then what you can start off with is type in like best microphones for  youtubers or you could do like uh best point of sale restaurants for small restaurants or  best trading apps for australia because when you actually search for these phrases you’re going  to see a lot of different affiliate marketing websites and from there you can draw inspiration  okay so just open up google and what you can type in is for example you can type in best microphone  for youtubers or if we were building a website for the point of sale machine website then we’ll type  in best point of sale for restaurants or we could do best trading apps in australia right so what we  want to do is just research the different websites and just get some inspiration and look at how  they’re promoting their products and what they’re promoting and how they’re structuring the website  to give us some inspiration for the website that we’re going to be building later  so for example we just click into it and we just open a few in new tabs and look through each one  and see which one sort of we relate to most okay because then that way we can just get a  lot of inspiration and see exactly what works and what doesn’t right so you can look through the  website and you can see what they’re promoting and how they’re promoting you know what type of  content are they creating so you can write that down or you can use miller note and add it into  um like a note thing like that okay so for example we just copy the url and we can just paste it in  like that okay and we can look over here sometimes we can look on the resources so  generally if they have like a resources or recommended section on their website  that is probably what is working for them right those are the most  highly uh purchased products on their website and so you can have a look over here  and see what they’re promoting see if there’s any product that you align with so for example maybe  you have used it before you have seen other people use it before um it’s something that  you are personally interested in so then you’ll just write that down on your piece of paper or  a miller note so we’re going to look through and just copy all these websites and put it into here let’s copy this one copy paste that in and then we can look through again so the recommendations so over here tubebuddy so because i researched this already um this product aligns with me right  because i actually use it for youtube already so this might be a product that might interest me  so then i could just make sure i copy down the url over here paste it in and maybe i could write down  okay tubebuddy okay so that’s one product that i can start off with right so if you want to look  through a little bit further into the product so you can click into here and then what we  could do is we can go to company and we can look for affiliate program and generally sometimes  the affiliate program is going to be on the bottom on the footer section it might be like  the partner program and you can look into it and see if you can join and also you can see  um what the commission rates are so for this specific product the commission rate is up to  50 percent reoccurring all right so we can go to look at pricing and see how much their plans are  okay so as you can see we can see that the plans are nine dollars a month 19 and 49 a month right  so let’s say for example you are able to get let’s say um maybe 10 okay 10 people and okay 10 people  times let’s say the average price would be 29 okay 290 dollars okay then we do times 0.5  okay so 145 dollars a month reoccurring so if you are able to get like 10 people per month then over  time that’s gonna really really add up so this is basically like an app that you add on to your  youtube and people need to pay a monthly fee onto it and also this is sort of like a software as a  service product a digital product um so that the commission rates are quite high and you also get a  reoccurring commission so i do want to discuss a little bit about digital and also physical  products one time and also reoccurring products so you guys can get an idea of what type of products  that you guys want to promote so as i mentioned before there are two different types of products  right you’ve got digital products and you’ve also got physical products so digital products are like  software uh courses even digital servers example fiverr which is sort of like an online marketplace  where you sell um like there’s a lot of freelancers offering different types of services  these generally offer a higher commission rate from like 30 to 100 percent and generally um these  ones you don’t need to make as many sales right if you’re promoting these products so on the other  hand we’ve got physical products which is like products on amazon walmart and there’s different  individual brands as well generally these are lower commission rates one to ten percent  so you have to generate a higher amount of sales so basically you’ll need more people visiting your  website um to actually make more sales right so personally you know i prefer digital products but  i think if you really like you know maybe like headphones or if you really like microphones if  you really like certain physical products and you feel like okay you want to purchase the product  and try it out and give it like an honest review then i think that might be the way to go right  so if you don’t really know what to pick i would personally go with digital mainly because i  think that you can make a lot more commissions quicker and you can actually just test out the  the service online right a lot of them a lot of times you can actually get a lot of free trials  or you can actually sign up you know with the physical product if you really want to do well  then you would need the product right and do an honest and real review for it  okay so unless you really really like it and you do a lot of research on it then obviously  you don’t really need to purchase the product but i do recommend it if you really want to stand out  and with digital products you can get the free trial and you get a higher commission rate and you  can just do everything on the computer especially if you want to find images to add on your blog  you can just screenshot it and things like that i mean that’s just my personal preference you  don’t really have to choose either one okay but you do have to know that there’s two types okay  and that’s gonna really determine how much money you’re gonna make per month and things like that  as well you can also do both of them at the same time so for my website i’m probably going to be  promoting the majority of it is probably going to be digital products and then i’ll have a separate  section where i do a few physical products because i’m not going to you know have a website talking  about microphones only right like i only will review the things that i’ve used personally  from my own youtube channel and then i’ll look through you know all the different microphones  and different things that i bought from a youtube channel and then i can promote that as well  so you’ve also got one time versus reoccurring commissions so one time you just get paid once  so for example if you promote a coffee machine for three hundred dollars you only get paid 15  one time right you don’t get paid anymore so with recurring commissions you get paid every time the  customer is charged so this is normally on sort of software as a service products digital products  uh which have sort of like a monthly fee right so let’s say for example when we’re talking  about the nordvpn so they actually get a renewal of i think 286 dollars if i remember correctly  and they get paid 30 of that right so every time they need to renew then you get paid as well so  as the amount of people that you sign up your sort of reoccurring commissions actually grow  so i think that is really really awesome because that’s going to give you a more stable income  especially if you’re building an affiliate marketing business where you don’t really  have much reoccurring income coming in so yeah so that’s something to think about obviously you can  promote two types um and you can promote digital and physical it doesn’t really matter but i think  you guys should be aware of that now if we look at the tubebuddy over here okay so as  we said before um if we actually make you know uh 10 sales per per month right 10 sales per  month that is going to be 290 dollars per month and then 50 commission rate that’s around 145  but that’s going to build up and stack over time so i actually did some more research and as you  can see this is the tubebuddy affiliate program on the tubebuddy uh channel and he’s interviewing  roberto blake which is another youtuber he also has a blog as well as a youtube channel and  over the last four years he’s generated over two hundred and eleven thousand dollars from affiliate  commissions and he’s earning around six to seven k probably even more now probably eight to nine k  per month reoccurring from the tubebuddy affiliate program okay so that’s what i mean by trying to to  research more about the products so sort of um see which one relates to you the best and then also  try to find other people who are successful with it as well right because it’s important that that  you sort of believe you know that it is possible and then from that you’re able to actually take  action and then from action you’re able to succeed so i also did a little bit more research so if  you actually look at uh we did a i think vid iq versus tubebuddy okay so these are actually two  different products right two different products and here if we actually look at this one over here  this website over here so it’s like a very very simple website and from his blog i mean it’s very  very simple blog he’s earned over i think yeah he’s making around probably four hundred dollars  five hundred dollars per month from tubebuddy commissions and things like that as well so for  me i think that’s pretty good right so then that might be a product that i might consider promoting  right so try to do more more research and if you do more research like if you type in like true  body review and i’ll also check the website on the top over here so food ranger he’s actually like  a youtube uh food youtube channel that i watch quite often and what i notice is that he has a  review over here about the the tubebuddy so as you can see like you know he’s only promoting a few  different things right he’s promoting tubebuddy and you know vpns for china both of these are very  very good affiliate programs where you get paid a high commission rate so i guarantee you know he’s  making thousands of dollars from this blog post alone okay so that’s how you know youtubers how uh  people who create websites support their channels and things like that so then the next step is  once you actually have you know different products different website ideas then what we need to do is  we need to have a look at it a little bit more in depth so we need to figure out you know how much  visitors are these websites getting and also um you know find out different keyword ideas  that we can actually target and different products okay so before we get into the practical side of  keyword research i do want to help you guys understand you know why we need to do keyword  research and why we need to use a tool such as ahrefs to help us with it okay so imagine the  ocean as google right and then imagine you as the fisherman on the top of here your website  okay and imagine uh the fish as your visitors to your website okay so if you don’t do any keyword  research like a lot of people actually um you know built the website and then they realized  okay i need to get traffic to my website and then they realize okay you need to do seo and then they  create content and you randomly create content so what’s going to happen is that you’re not  going to be able to catch anything right you’re going to be catching the wrong type of things  okay so that is why we need to do keyword research and we also need to find out where we can actually  fish because not every area is good for us right for example if we go over here where all the big  boys are fishing then there is fish there but then again there’s a lot of fishermen there already and  they have the latest tools latest equipment the latest uh resources to catch the fish right so  you’re not going to be able to compete you’re not going to be able to catch anything so what we’re  going to do is we want to use the tools such as ahrefs to scan the entire ocean because there  are literally millions of fish but we just need to find the right area okay so that’s why we need to  find the right keywords to target and basically i’m going to help you guys do that right now  so for ahrefs you can just go to and that’s going to take you to this page over here  and what i recommend is just starting the seven day trial for seven dollars now there are some  other free alternatives such as ubersuggest and i think semrush also has a free trial but i found  ahrefs to be sort of the most accurate and it provides a lot of different information which  is going to help you to find the right keywords so that’s what i highly recommend and i’m just  going to sign into my accounts over here okay and sign in so when we’re actually looking at keyword  research we have to uh really look at the type of website that we want to create right because every  single website has a different way to monetize a different way to make money so for example if  you’re creating like a local business website like a local carpet cleaning business then you want to  target keywords that a customer would actually search for for example carpet cleaning services  in melbourne or in your specific location now for affiliate marketing websites specifically our  main monetization strategy is through affiliate commissions right so you get paid a commission  if someone clicks a link and purchases so what we want to do is we want to look for key phrases  and keywords that people type in into google and search for where they’re just about to purchase  the product right so some of the top keywords that i recommend is things such as best or like top  comparisons reviews alternatives and also helpful guides and also helpful answers as well right so  for example it could be like best cameras right or it could be like best cameras for youtubers  and we could even add like a modifier for example best cameras for youtubers in 2021 or 2022  right so those keywords people are looking for sort of like a list of the top cameras that  they can purchase and if they like what they see they’re going to click the link and purchase then  you’re going to make the commission right or you could even do comparisons right comparisons are  also really good because people have narrowed down to two different products right they’ve  researched you know product a and also researched product b and now they want to compare okay which  one is better which one should they get for their specific needs and purposes okay so  for comparisons it’s normally like product versus product like that so vs like that so those are the  things that we can actually search for in the keywords explorer um in a second now you can  also do like product plus reviews like which is really really common um as well as product  plus alternatives uh which is also really good as well because sometimes people might want to  look for different alternatives because that product or that uh the product features or the  price might not be you know something they’re looking for right helpful answers is also going  to be really good mainly because not because sort of uh they are high converting but also because  they often help us build backlinks to our website and that’s going to increase our ranking for  the other keywords that we want to rank for right because when we’re actually building a website uh  we need to do keyword research and we need to do like on page search engine optimization then  we also need to do off-page optimization which is basically building uh backlinks to our website so  for those of you who are not really sure what that means is sort of like a backlink is when people  are linking to you okay so for example this is a blog post right so over here this is a link to  the logo crisp website right so basically the more backlinks that you get from a website to your  website then google is sort of going to rank your website higher so when you’re creating let’s say  review content and comparison content not as many people are going to link to your website right  it’s just not as easy to link to right because when you’re actually creating sort of helpful  guides such as like how to do certain things then it’s more likely a website is going to link to you  as a resource and that’s going to help you sort of build authority on your website and trust for your  website and that’s going to help you increase your rankings for your review or affiliate  keyword terms okay so there are a few ways to actually do our keyword research and i’m just  going to focus on two uh two ways to actually get you guys started so you can click on site explorer  and this is going to be the first way where we just use our competitors url right just copy our  competitors url which we have done research before and we can just paste it into here okay and this  tool is basically going to scan the entire website and look at all the pages and the different  keywords that the website is actually ranking for okay so if we actually go over here scroll down to  organic search click on organic keywords and here we can see all the keywords the website is ranking  for and which page uh is ranking for that keyword and the amount of traffic so how many visitors  the the website is getting okay so for example this is going to be for the united states only  um we’re going to focus on that okay and then over here it’s going to be keyword  the keyword difficulty so how difficult is it to rank uh your website for the term right so this  is going to give you a good sort of indicator of how difficult it is so you can look through the  difficulty and you can also sort the difficulty as well so what you’re going to notice is um  basically going to have like two urls which are the same right but they’re going to have  different keywords which are also ranking as well so what we do want to do is sort of  group them together right so what we can do is actually just go to top pages over here  and what it’s going to do is basically going to group the page urls together  and also show the rankings for that specific page right because sometimes when you create  content let’s say for example you’re creating content for q a questions for youtube vlogging  other keywords might start ranking as well because sometimes people type in different things but they  actually mean the same thing so for example someone types in you know q a questions and  someone types in q and a questions right but they both mean the same thing so that’s why this url is  ranking for these keywords okay so what you can do is you can look through the different pages okay  uh we can also set the difficulty so when we first start out creating a website i generally recommend  you know people targeting pages which are lower in difficulty because the most important thing when  you’re starting is to actually get your first sale to get some results first and once you actually do  get results then you guys can make your first sale you have confidence you guys can take more action  and then you guys get more and more results right just like if you were to play tennis you want to  start out first of all playing you know with with your partner and then play you know with your  team and then play locally and then play state level and then national level then international  right you don’t want to jump straight into a national international level because you’re just  going to get dominated and you’re going to not have fun right so it’s really important to look  for something which is sort of achievable for what you currently have at the moment  so for example um you know this is not too bad like q a questions so sometimes sometimes you’re  going to find keywords which are not sort of the keywords which i discussed earlier on which is  like review keywords the comparison keywords and things like that but still these keywords might be  beneficial to your website as well because if someone is looking for uh q a questions  um to ask for youtube videos then that type of person is probably going to be interested in  camera equipment as well so you can still create content around that area and direct them to your  different camera reviews or different tools that a youtuber needs right so this keyword might be  a great opportunity for us to actually explore as well so what we can do is just copy it i mean we  can actually export it as well but let’s just say for example we don’t want to export it we can just  copy that keyword and we can just create like a simple keyword list or different keyword groups  where we can actually create content around so for example q a questions what i’ll do is probably  click over here and copy these keywords over here copy them onto here as well okay and then when  i’m actually creating the content for for this website then i can include some of these keywords  in in the content because what google does is google is going to scan your entire website  and how they determine your ranking is that they they sort of scan your content right they scan the  words uh within your content and then they rank you accordingly okay so that is just one of the  factors obviously there’s quite a lot of different factors but i don’t really want to you know  go too in depth otherwise it’s going to be confusing for you guys um but generally we can  copy the keywords and we can include the keywords within our content okay so copy that and copy all  the keywords into miller note so for example we’ve got that and then maybe we could have  um this one over here so best cheap vlogging camera we could copy that and then we can look  over here and then we can look at these keywords and copy these keywords and this could be like a  separate page that we can create as well okay so yeah so you want to look through everything  and they’ve got the search volume over here so in terms of the search volume i think sometimes  it really depends on the products that you’re promoting right so let’s say for example um if  you get like a search volume of like a hundred i mean if you’re promoting something and the product  cost you know a hundred dollars and you only get two percent commission right that means you only  get two dollars per sale so if it’s getting um you know 100 visits per month for that keyword then  you make maybe like one sale per month two dollars is not really worth your time too much right but  if you are promoting something that is a little bit more um let’s say expensive and there’s only  100 in search volume per month then it still might be worth it like for example if you’re promoting  like a course and it’s only getting 100 searches per month but if you make one sale i mean you make  um you know 500 in commissions that that should be enough right so it really depends and you have to  use your your own judgment here depending on uh like the products and things like that as well  so here you can look through all the different types of keywords that this website is ranking for  um and you know make sure you put in all your keywords that you want to create content  for and write down any notes like that so i don’t want to go through too in depth here  um what is important is that you guys get started okay so another way to actually um look at it is  go to keyword explorer and remember when we looked at the sort of different uh products that we could  promote so you should have some ideas of what products that you can promote right so let’s say  for example uh i’m gonna promote tubebuddy okay so tubebuddy and i’m gonna do tubebuddy review okay  and click on search and this is going to give you the keyword difficulty and the overview  of the keyword this is the volume for united states the 300 this is the global volume okay  and we can scroll down over here okay and these are some of the keyword ideas so you would copy  the keywords right into your own um notes section over here so for example let’s say tubebuddy review and then we can go over here uh let’s see okay so we’re gonna try and include some  of these keywords uh for example tubebuddy pro maybe okay so these are some other things  that people are searching for as well so it might be like stuff that you want to  include within your content as well okay so we can go over here okay so tubebuddy chrome  copy that paste that into here we’re going to scroll down and we’re going to look at  the websites that are ranking in the top 10.

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So generally you want to look at the domain rating  so besides the keyword difficulty score over here we also want to look at the domain rating right so  the domain rating is the strength of the website’s backlink profile compared to others um on a point  of 100 out of a hundred okay so if you look at the top 10 results we’re going to notice is that  a domain rating of 30 i mean that’s pretty decent so this website is actually ranking number one  okay and you’ve also noticed that this one over here it’s a website ranking and the domain rating  is 25 so that is quite low and that means that we still have a chance to rank in the top 10 which is  important okay so we can also click on show more so we can scroll down further look at the top 20  you know is there any other sort of websites which are still have a low domain rating so that’s going  to give us a chance to to rate uh to rank on the search engines now if everyone is like you  know ranking like a domain rating of like 70 for example if you do like let’s say nordvpn  so nordvpn review and type that in and we can scroll down and look at the  the results over here what you’re going to notice is the domain rating is going to be um very very  high so as you can see the average is probably i’d say you know 80 you know 80 or 85 um domain  rating and you also want to look at the backlinks to the website so as you can see a lot of them  have like thousands of backlinks or hundreds of backlinks and the difficulty is quite hard over  here as well so that is probably not a good one to actually start off with so let’s just do tubebuddy  oops review and we can scroll down okay so then what you want to do is you also want to look at  the backlink profile how many backlinks are pointing to the website the if you actually notice  that okay some of these websites don’t really have many backlinks then that’s also an opportunity  as well okay which is good so as you can see like not too many backlinks uh which is good  so this one over here the food rangers website so it has a lot of backlinks so what i notice is that  um they have a lot of backlinks from i think uh youtube videos their own youtube videos  so then what we could do is we can actually click into it okay and then you want to also look at the  content like the content on on the website like can you realistically beat the content because  um if you want to rank on google the the real way to rank on google is to have better content than  other people because the the point of google is to actually provide sort of the best search results  and the best uh information for people who are actually using the search engines so what they  want to provide is the best information for the user so what you want to do is you want to create  better content than your competitors right so i’ve actually read you know this stuff i mean it’s  decent but it still can be beaten um especially maybe not this one but like a lot of the other  ones which are ranking over here i’ve researched them and you know they’re not that in-depth and  they don’t go into that many details so i still think that there’s still a massive opportunity  here especially if you look at this one like some of the you know some of the content there  is not that um in depth and not that great if you actually really really read it right yes you know  it is quite long but if you actually read it like the content is not you know the best like  if you actually look at um if you do like nord vpn review if you look at the content of nordvpn  review like the content is very very in-depth and very very thorough right it goes into very very  uh detail and it shows a lot of different images a lot of screenshots and stuff like that  um so if you compare that to tubebuddy i mean there’s still a lot of opportunity there to take  advantage of that okay so summing up the things that we have to consider is the number one is  searches intent so people who are just about to purchase or in the process of purchasing  because we’re an affiliate marketing website those are the keywords that we sort of want to focus in  on right then number two is the keyword difficulty so you can explore the keyword difficulty score  um try and keep it low okay so don’t try and target something that’s medium or hard yet  um you can but obviously expect that it’s going to take you longer a lot more resources and a  lot more time so i think that’s what you can actually focus on once you actually build some  momentum with your website and things like that then number two you can look at the sort of low  domain rating so you want to make sure that you check you know all the websites who are ranking  in top 10 so if you actually see websites with the lower sort of domain rating within the top 10  top 20 which is around like 30 or maybe below that then that’s gonna mean that there’s a good chance  that you can you know create a new website and rank there with a lot better content and maybe  a lot more backlinks to your website right then you’ll also want to look at the backlinks the  number of backlinks to the website as well and see if there’s any opportunity there right so if  you see that okay all these websites over here have you know a ton of backlinks like over 100  you know thousands of backlink then it’s going to be quite hard for you to to get into that keyword  right because the competitors are quite strong so you also want to look at um the content so you  click into the the actual top 10 results and look at the content and actually read the content don’t  be scared you know of the content and how long it looks sometimes a lot of the content is very very  generic right it’s not based on like real world experience and it doesn’t provide any  you know original unique insight because a lot of content is actually like that okay so if you  actually explore it look at it properly and see if you guys can actually create better content  if you if you really believe that you can then i still think that’s a good chance that uh you can  actually target that keyword and create content around that so for example we were talking about  the helpful guides and answers right so you can also target the keywords such as not just reviews  and comparisons but you can also do like let’s say for example you want to create a website around  helping youtubers get more views and how to get them you know make more money from youtube then  you can also target keywords such as like how to rank on youtube or how to get more views on  youtube and then within those uh articles you can actually recommend them products as well  right you can recommend them the tubebuddy or you can recommend them like this specific mic because  in the content you could be like hey you need good audio or you need good video uh you got to  use this they go to use you’ve got to use that right you can still do it that way as well so  you’re not just limited to you know this type of content like review and comparisons and best  type of content as well okay so you can also try different things as well for example you’re gonna  provide answers for questions that people ask for example you know what microphone is joe rogan  using or what microphone is you know xyz celebrity using for their youtube channel and then you could  create content around that to show them proof that you know joe rogan is using this microphone and  uh this is how you set it up what you need and the cost and things like that as well right there’s so  many um different keyword ideas you have to sort of use your own you know intuition and  after a while of creating content and things like that you’ll sort of get an idea of how to rank  on google and different keywords and things like that okay so i don’t want to go through too much  keyword research because that’s going to make this video super super long i’ll try and cover  that maybe in like future videos but the most important thing is to find maybe like three  to five different keywords that you can start working on right away you can also export the  the data as well you can add it to your list and things like that um yeah so what we’re gonna do  now is we’re gonna start creating our website okay so i’m super excited to actually show you guys how  to create your website step by step we’ve covered sort of like the theory and the keyword research  and everything like that now we’re gonna do some of the practical steps of setting up your website  so to create a website we’re going to be doing in just four simple steps so the first step is  to get your domain name which is basically your website address for example your and hosting is basically like a server where your website is stored  so for example it stores your content your images so that people can access your website all around  the world 24 7 365 days a year then we’re going to be installing wordpress so wordpress  is a free content management system and that basically allows you to create your website  without any coding or any technical knowledge right so you don’t have to learn coding don’t  worry about that we’re going to be using a drag and drop builder to fully customize your website  then i’ll show you guys how to build your website so if you’re wondering why we’re using wordpress  instead of other website platforms for example wix and also squarespace is if you actually search up  wix review and we can click into some of the top results over here so if we click into this result  over here what you’re going to notice it’s an affiliate marketing website as well reviewing  the wix builder and platform and things like that so they’re actually using wordpress and what we  could do is right click and view page source and we notice that they have wp content over  here which means it’s wordpress so for their own affiliate website where they’re recommending wix  um they’re using wordpress as well so generally wordpress is best for an affiliate marketing  website this is not to say that wix is you know bad or anything like that but  for this specific purpose and this specific tutorial that’s what i highly recommend it’s  what i personally use as well so same thing with squarespace if you look at this website over here  okay so it might seem like okay that’s really good and you can use squarespace they have a  website builder as well you can also build an affiliate marketing website with squarespace  but wordpress is just a lot more customizable and has a lot more features for building an affiliate  website so you can actually see by viewing page source over here and if you scroll down you’re  going to notice they use wordpress as well so you can see wp-content and they’re using plugins and  things like that okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get our domain hosting and store  wordpress and we can do that all at the same place so you can either click on the link down below or  you can open up your browser and type in h o s t i n g dot com forward slash h o g a n Jason  and click on enter now that is my affiliate link so basically if you do purchase through that  then i’ll get a referral commission for that and that just basically helps support my channel so  you don’t get charged any extra and in some cases you’re going to be able to get a discount as well  so sometimes the discount might change over here and the page might change what we want to look  for here is we want to look for hosting so click on hosting up here okay that’s going to click on  the drop down and we want to get shared website hosting okay so in the past i’ve also recommended  siteground as well which is a really great web host and platform to create your wordpress website  as well so if you do want to use siteground then i’ll leave a link down in the description below  and also a video to show you guys how to install wordpress there but siteground has recently  changed their terms so it might not be available for all countries now so i want everyone to be  able to follow my tutorials and hosting has some really really great affordable plans um to get  everyone started as well so as you can see here 99 cents um us dollar if you get the four year plan  so it’s super super affordable and i’ve also done a review on hosting as well on my channel and they  performed really really well in terms of speed and also uptime and also customer support so over  here i’ve got three different plans that you can choose from so i do want to go through each one  and which one you should actually pick for your affiliate marketing website so the first thing  is that if you pick either of these three then it’s going to be completely fine to create any  type of website including your affiliate marketing website because all three plans you can install  wordpress just fine so the main difference between the single shared and these two plans is going to  be the number of websites it can host so basically with a single shared hosting it can only host one  website for example your affiliate and then that’s it okay with the premium shared and  business shared you can host up to 100 websites on the plan so you can have like your website your  clients website your friend’s website hosted under sort of one account and that way you can actually  save some money but this doesn’t mean that you can create a hundred websites for free right  you still have to purchase the domain name which is like the website address and normally that’s  around 10 per year okay but it can host up to 100 different websites now if you choose this one it  doesn’t mean that you’re stuck with it forever you can always upgrade to the premium shed and also  business shared as you grow your business and things like that so besides the number of websites  you can host generally with the premium shared and business shared accounts your website will  load a little bit faster than the single shared hosting plan because hosting actually allocates  a little bit more resources to these plans over here with the premium shared you do get the  free domain included and some extra resources over here which you can actually check out so  personally i actually recommend the business plan mainly because it has everything that you need  already including the daily backups the free cdn the free domain and everything like that so you  don’t really have to worry anymore and if you actually compare it to other web hosting plans  on the internet it’s going to be quite affordable if you actually compare it as well okay so over  here what we’re going to do is just going to click on add to cart now obviously you can get  these ones if you want to that’s completely up to you we’re going to click on add to cart over here and over here you can select the plan so i generally recommend 12 months or more that  way you’re able to lock in the discount because as you can see here once the initial discount is  over then the plan renews at a higher rate right so if you choose this one then it’s going to renew  at a cheaper rate as well so that’s something to consider so i’m going to just select 12 months  for this tutorial now over here you just need to put in your email address so for example if you’re  logged in already you can just connect it with google okay so we’re just going to connect that okay so i’m going to log into my google account  and then we’re going to scroll back down so you can pay by credit card or paypal or even bitcoin  so i’m just going to select paypal and we’re going to scroll down  here you can also enter in a coupon code so generally that is the amount that you’re going to  pay then you can enter the coupon code Jason so hey ogan chua and that’s going to save you some  money as well so it’s probably going to save you a little bit more if you get the 48 month plan as  well so once you’ve actually checked everything then we can click on submit secure payments  and then click on paypal checkout i’m going to log in and just pay that okay so once the payment has  gone through then you should reach this page over here so we can just click on start now  and over here if you have selected the plan where you can get the free domain then we can claim the  free domain if you don’t have um that then you can click on buyer domain and you can purchase the  domain now if you have registered in like godaddy or namecheap then you need to select this option  where you need to connect the domain with the hosting and hosting account all right so i’m just  going to select this one over here and we’re going to select our domain name so this is your website  address so i’m creating a case study website so i’ll probably reveal my you know domain later  but for now i’m just going to create and use sort of like a demo uh website so affiliate tutorial  and 91 and then we’re going to select probably a com domain okay and we’re going to click on search  so when you’re choosing a domain name um normally it’s good to actually get a com extension because  normally that’s a little bit more trustworthy um if you don’t know what to pick for your domain  name generally don’t pick a domain name which is like product specific or like a year specific like  2021 reviews or whatever it is don’t pick that one because then you know when it’s 2022 then you  have to change your domain name and you don’t want to do that right so try to pick a domain  name where it’s a little bit more generic and maybe it doesn’t you know include a product name  you can also go with your name as well which is also a good idea once you actually done that then  you can click continue so we’re going to click on build a new website okay and we’re going to  install wordpress so click on select and over here we want to create a wordpress account so  we’re going to put in our password so this is our login credentials for wordpress so make sure you  remember that your password click on continue and i’m just going to save that to my browser so over  here you’ve got a bunch of different templates but we’re not going to be using a template so  i’ll be showing you guys how to set it up step by step so click on skip so over here you can select  your website location so this is your website server location so generally this is important  if you’re building a local website you want to choose a server location closest to your audience  so i’m just going to go with north america for this one and click on select and then finish  setup okay so i’m just going to enter in just some basic information over here and click on next step  and yeah i’m just going to fill in my contact details and then we are going to finish the  registration so over here we can click on manage wordpress and that’s going to take us to our login  sort of area for wordpress and if we click over here it’s going to take us to the hostinger panel  area so this is where you actually control your domains and hosting and whatever you  need for your website over here is where uh you’ve logged into wordpress okay so generally  um if you want to log in again so i’m just gonna log out so i want to show you guys how to log in  so this is your wordpress login page now to arrive at this page again what we need to do is let’s say  for example if we go to our homepage this is what it currently looks like so we do need to edit it  but if you want to log in to wordpress you need to type in forward slash wp admin and then enter  so it’s always going to be your website name dot com forward slash wp admin and that’s going to  take you to the wordpress login page and what i recommend is just bookmarking it so once you  bookmark it then just enter in your email address and the password is set in before  and then click on login okay so this is going to be logged in to your wordpress dashboard area  so we’re going to click over here okay to the dashboard area over here and what we want to do  is we want to install the ssl certificate so as you can see it says not secure now you want to  have and make sure that your website has a lock icon like that so that means it’s secure okay so  i’m just going to click on home over here and then i’m going to try and click on setup okay for the  ssl certificate and we’re going to install on our new domain over here install ssl now if you have  any trouble you can contact the live chat support and they’ll get back to you okay if you have any  trouble installing ssl certificate and then we can just click on close and if we go over here  let’s refresh the page we’re going to take like a few seconds and that might actually log you  out when you try to refresh the page because now it is uh https enabled all right so you’re going  to log in again and now you have the lock icon um all set up so before i actually get started with  setting up wordpress you do have to also verify your email address that’s hosting is going to send  you you have to verify your domain um so you need to click on the link in the email they sent you  so just verify that and verify that then once that is done should be good to go so if you go  back over here and click on domains on the top something that you might want to do is that you  can click on the domain over here right and we can scroll down now this is something that you  might want to get so who is privacy this is going to add an extra layer of sort of privacy with your  information so for example if you actually sign up with their domain so sometimes people can actually  look up your domain informations which is going to show your email address and also name now if  you want to protect that information you can pay an extra five dollars a year to actually  protect that okay so i might personally get that as well it’s just basically there to  stop people from emailing you because a lot of people will actually email you like different  uh marketing offers because i know that you’re starting a new business um and things like that okay so we’re going to set that up and i think that should be pretty much good to go  let’s go back over here okay so that should be good to go your whois privacy is added and also  your domain has been verified so let’s go back to our dashboard and show you guys how to set it up  so what i want to do now is i want to show you guys around the wordpress dashboard  uh sort of clean everything up a little bit because when you’re actually building a website  with wordpress sometimes it can get a little bit complicated uh once you start adding some plugins  once you start doing some things so what i want to do is show you guys how to use it and how to clear  some stuff so that everything is nice and simple so that you guys can focus on what matters most  alright so here is the dashboard area so once you actually log in then this is what you’ll see right  so on the front end this is what you’re going to see on the front end now this is the 2021 theme  so this is the default theme so we’ll change it later on so don’t worry about that  and over here we can actually clear these things we can dismiss it over here  we can minimize it like that or we can click on screen options and we can remove everything okay  so once you add a few plugins it’s going to start sort of getting quite complicated so that’s why  i want to clear everything up because we don’t really need it okay then the next step is we need  to go to settings and go to permalinks so this is really important for search engine optimization  we want to change the permalink settings to post name okay so set it to this one over  here so that the title of your post or the title of your page is going to be included in the url  right so you don’t want it to be like a random number or you don’t want it to be something like  that okay you want a clear and clean url structure for your website so we’re going to click on save  the next thing is we can go to post so we can delete this one and just trash it  let’s go to trash and we can delete that permanently and then go to pages and we can  also delete the sample page just delete that and i’m also gonna just trash that one as well okay  okay so that is done so next we’re gonna click on plugins so with plugins plugins add extra  functionality to your wordpress website just like if you have apps on your phone for example like  social media apps or you know any productivity apps and things like that plugins are the same  but for wordpress websites so what i generally like to do is i like to deactivate everything  first because sometimes plugins can cause conflicts with your wordpress website  um especially with older plugins and plugins that you haven’t updated and things like that so  if you are using plugins and you’re not really actually actively using it for your wordpress  website what i do recommend is deactivating and deleting them because sometimes it can cause  issues especially security issues and then cause your website to be hacked and things like that  so right now i’m just gonna deactivate it um all the plugins okay so you can you guys can  actually delete the ones that you know don’t use and things like that now if you have like a  caching plugin for example lightspeed cache or wp fastest case or sg optimizer and things like that  um you know when you’re building a website sometimes you might be  making changes right now if the changes don’t reflect on your website then what you probably  need to do is try to clear the cache right once you clear the cache a cache is sort of like  temporary storage right once you clear it then it should actually update so generally when you  have a caching plug-in they’ll have a a sort of thing on the top over here okay so when you click  over here you can purge the cache and delete everything okay so i’m just going to delete it  deactivate it for now because when i’m building my website i generally like to deactivate it  so if you guys want to start you know wordpress from scratch and you want to reset everything  especially if you have an existing wordpress website and you know everything is just not  working properly and things like that then you can actually download a plugin called wp reset  so you can click on add new and search for this plugin and once you activate it it will actually  allow you to reset wordpress back to the you know default settings that you had when in the  very very beginning so we can open the tools over here and you can see what it deletes so  it actually deletes like your comments your pages and your post so if you do want to reset it then  what you want to do is copy your content onto like a word document and things like that and  you can type in reset here and reset the website okay you can also create a snapshot as well  so that is the basics now what we want to do is we want to go and install a theme okay so to install  a theme we can hover over appearance and click on themes so the current theme that we’re using  is the 2021 theme so this is the default sort of wordpress theme right so it sort of adds the  appearance for your website so if we click on add new over here then what you’re going to notice  is thousands of different themes so a lot of these themes are free themes and you do have to  upgrade later on to sort of enjoy a lot of these different features so what i’ve done is actually  partnered up with themify to share with you guys their most popular theme the themify ultra theme  so this is a really really awesome theme because it allows you to control every aspect of your  wordpress website so a lot of people might be using other themes i think that is fine as well  so really depends on your personal preference but personally this is what i use for my website and  i like it because it has everything that you need right you can literally take control of the header  the footer section you can change a lot of the things without learning how to code so what i’ve  done is i’ve included the download link in the description below in the youtube description so  you can download that onto your computer and it’s going to look something like this over here okay  demofi ultra dot zip and then you can go back over here go back over here and upload theme  choose file and look for and open and install now so sometimes it might actually  come in like a folder because i think if you’re using like safari or something like that it might  automatically unzip into a folder like that and you don’t want to upload the folder so you want to  right click and you want to compress it back into the zip file okay before you upload it  so let’s go back over here and once that is uploaded then we can actually activate it  so you want to make sure you upload it as themes so a lot of people actually upload  it as a plugin and that’s not going to work all right because the sort of theme and the  drag and drop builder is included in the theme itself right so everything in a whole package  so if in the future you need to update your theme you can go to forward slash update  and you can watch this video to show you guys how to update your theme  um in your wordpress dashboard area okay so i’ll include the download links over here um and you  can download it and you can update your themes as well as the plugins that you might need as well  okay so once that is done we’re going to click on activate now if you do have any issues then  you can email me at support or you can drop a comment in the youtube comments area so  here are the skins and demos so generally i just stick with the default one so i’m going to click  on close on the top okay and let’s just close that so if we actually refresh our page now it’s going  to change the look of our website okay if you hover over here and turn on the builder it’s going  to show builder is not available on this page so a lot of people don’t actually follow my videos  and a lot of people have this problem where they say the builder is not available now  this is because we haven’t created our pages yet so this is actually not a page right so we have  to go and create our pages right now so if you hover on the top over here we can click on page  right or you can click on post so let’s click on page first and what we need to do is create our  home page right so we’re going to add in a page now if we actually click on the three dots over  here it might actually look like this okay so i don’t like this layout i like to have it like this  okay so you can click on the three dots and you can deselect the full screen mode okay  so title it’s going to be home and click on publish and publish again okay that’s going  to take us to this url over here we can click at click that to view the page so this is going to  display as your website dot com forward slash home so what we want to do is we want to make  sure that this home page is just going to be our sort of default uh url okay so if we click over  here we want it to be just like that okay so to do that we have to go back to the dashboard  and settings i believe and then go to reading and then set your homepage display to a static page  and select home okay once you’ve selected that then we can click on save and that’s done okay  so settings reading and then go to a static page set it to home and then save changes so if we  go back over here and if we click on the home page then it’s just gonna be our okay  so the next thing what we’re going to do is add in some more pages so we can go back to our dashboard  you can also add in pages like that or you can go back to dashboard and navigate to pages over here  and you can control everything from here as well so let’s click and add new so let’s just add in a  few more pages so you can add as many pages as you want so i’m going to add an about page and  let’s publish that let’s add a new one so let’s add maybe a blog page okay and publish publish  that and then we’re going to add maybe like an affiliate disclaimer page so click on page again  okay and publish and publish that again so that should be done so let’s go back to our home page  all right so we’ve got our pages listed over here so what we want to do is we want to change  the menu okay so i’m going to show you guys how to arrange the menu the top navigation menu  and also how to add in pages on the bottom if you do want to do that as well  so let’s go and arrange our menu and we can do that by going to customize and then we can click  on back and then let’s click on menus let’s click on create new menu so this one’s going to be top  nav for top navigation and for the menu location we want to set it to the main nav which is the  top over here okay if you want to add a menu for the footer we need to click on footer  navigation so let’s click that there click on next now what you’re going to notice is that it  has three dots over here and that is actually the mobile menu so what you can do is actually  go and click on the top over here and try to zoom out if you browse a little bit and that  should display okay so we need to add in the items first so let’s add an item let’s add in our blog  page and maybe our about page like that and then we can just rearrange it by dragging and dropping  okay so let’s click on publish and then that’s going to display so what if you want to create  like a drop down menu so a drop down menu is like if you hover over here it’s going to drop down  so we can do that by just indenting it so click it and drag it and sort of put it below the about  okay so that’s gonna be like a let’s publish that and if we actually refresh that let’s  just open that in a new tab to show you what that looks like okay so when you hover over that it’s  gonna drop down like that okay so you don’t have to do that now but i just wanted to show you guys  how to actually do that so let’s go over there and then we want to select automatically add new  pages to the menu so when you create a new page it’s going to automatically add it  to the menu so you can rearrange it and it you can delete it anytime that you guys want okay  let’s publish that and let’s go back over here and we can create a new menu so it could be like  a footer menu and then we can select footer navigation and click on next and then we can add  item and then we can add affiliate disclaimer or whichever page that you want to put on the bottom  click on publish and then that’s going to add your page like that okay so let’s click on close  once that is finished okay so the next step is i want to show you guys how to change this and how  to delete this home title and also this section over here so if we click on turn on builder then  it should turn on the builder and we can start editing our page but this title over here is in  our way as well as this sidebar so i’ll show you guys how to customize that let’s click on close  okay so let’s go back over to dashboard and then let’s go to themify ultra themify settings  okay so this is where you can actually control your layout of your themify website okay so  let’s go to the default layouts and let’s go to default page layout all right so for the default  page layout what we want to do is we want to remove the title and remove the sidebar on here  so let’s go there let’s go and hide it and let’s change the sidebar to no sidebar and then save it  and then if we refresh it then that’s going to delete okay so that’s also going to change the  layouts of the header and footer so what we want to do is let’s go to theme settings over here  let’s go to theme appearance so let’s make sure we have this one selected and let’s click on save  and then let’s refresh that okay so that if that doesn’t change then it might be  the cache so what i want to do is actually go over here to the let’s go to themifybuilder okay go to  tools and i’m going to regenerate the css files okay so hopefully that is going to all right so  that’s pretty much good to go so summarizing how i fixed it is i went back to themify settings uh the  themify builder and then you can go to tools okay and then regenerate the css files sometimes you  might need to delete the cache as well and things like that and i also deleted the browser caching  as well and then it should be pretty much good to go so sometimes you might you know encounter these  issues whenever you’re building like a wordpress website or um you know any type of website you’re  gonna encounter issues so this is one of the most common issues so i did want to include  it in the video so that you guys can sort of solve it for yourself so let’s go back over here  um let’s go to theme settings okay and what i want to do is i want to exclude the tagline okay and  let’s just exclude that over there and you can play around with the different settings um the  basic display settings for your footer as well uh you can update that so let’s go and save it  and then let’s go over here let’s refresh it and that’s gonna disappear  okay so i might just hide the search bar as well as this one over here okay so let’s go over here  let’s hide the footer logo and i’m also going to go down to where is it okay for  the text okay and i’m gonna hide for the text too and then click on save and then refresh it  and then that is pretty much good to go right so you can also change the footer design the layout  as well this is the default one so i want to change it to the footer block let’s click on save  now hopefully this one’s going to save okay so that is pretty much good to go so what we can do  now is click on customize on the top over here now if you don’t see the bar then what i do recommend  is refreshing the page then you should be able to see it and then what you want to do is navigate  to theme of our options it should automatically redirect you here and then click on site logo  and tagline site logo and then here you can change the site title so i’m just going to name it logo  so i just want to keep everything as simple as possible now if you do want to add in a logo image  you can select this tab over here and i’ve also got a video where i show you guys how to make a  free logo and fab icon using canva so canva is a really awesome tool um i’ll show you exactly how  to use it and create a logo as well as your fab icon which is the little icon on the top over here  so let’s go over here and you can also just you know choose a font and just use that as  your logo because you don’t really need to worry too much about your logo at this time  what you do want to focus on is your content so just keep it nice and simple for now you can also  change the site tagline so we can change it to like for example ultimate resource for youtube creators so this should be like basically you know telling people what your site is about  and you know who it is for who is it helping and things like that so for me i’m creating a  website that’s going to help youtube creators you know make money online and also you know get more  subscribers and views so i’m just calling an ultimate resource for youtube creators for now  so i probably will change it later on but i think that is pretty good for now so we’re  going to minimize it and click on publish so to add your fab icon you can click on back  and then we can click on site identity click on that and select site icon select files and  then we’re going to upload the picture okay so this one over here a png so so once that is done  click on select and then that should be publish and that should be done right so it should be five  one twelve by five one twelve and you can follow this video too and i’ll show you guys how to  make the fav icon and things like that okay so once that is done then we can close it  and then you should have your fav icon on the top and you can see the title as well as the site tag  line has changed so let’s go ahead and show you guys how to use the builder so you can turn on  the builder now if you don’t see this builder icon like it might say it’s not available on this page  now that’s because you haven’t followed the video uh make sure you skip back a little bit and i’ll  leave the timestamp in the description where i show you guys how to add in pages and set your  home page and things like that so over here is your panel area where you have all the different  modules which you can add and drop in so we can also click it and we can move it like that or  you can drag it on the left as well so i prefer on the left so what we want to do is we want  to create like a hero image hero image section um for your website so what we can do is hover  over here okay so this is the row okay so let’s add the styling and add in a background so then  we’re going to add an image right so for your background image we’re going to click on plus  upload files select files and then here i’m going to upload a hero image so i’m going to try and  upload maybe this one okay and click on open and this is the size of our image so it’s around 1900  by 1200 pixels approximately and it’s less than 500 kilobytes so you generally want to keep it you  know around 500 kilobytes or less um otherwise your website is going to load slowly because  that’s gonna uh the image size is really big all right so generally keep it around 500 and insert  file image like that and then here for your background image we can set it to full cover  okay and then what we want to do is we want to make sure that goes all the way across so hover  over the row again and then hover over the gear icon and let’s do that again and for the row width  select full width right that’s going to adjust it so the row is going to go all the way across  right so the next thing that we can do is we can click on done all right now if you  want to hover over here you can actually see some purple and what we can do is actually add  spacing or padding to that okay so we’re going to drag it and let’s just try and do maybe  150 for now okay so we can adjust it later on okay hover over here and you can see that  purple highlight again so drag it and drop it down to around 150 so try and keep it even  like that okay that should be good all right now let’s add in a text module so over here  drag in a text so i’m just going to call it maybe ultimate creators resource so you sort of want to  just tell you know people what this website is about let’s change it to heading one okay  so when you’re actually using heading ones and heading twos and things like that try to keep it  only uh one heading one per page right so this is for search engine purposes you don’t want to  have multiple heading ones for your page because google is going to use that as a sort of on-page  seo ranking factor okay so only use one heading one and the rest can be like heading two or three  or four or anything that you guys want okay so once you have that then we can also align the  text into the middle so to do that we can click on styling tab over here and then for the font we can  just click on text align to the middle and then we can also change the color like that’s all right  and then we could also go to the tab over here general and then click on heading heading 1 and  then we can set the font size here specifically for heading one okay so i’ll show you guys how  to set it universally later on we can change it to any size so i’m going to change it to 5  em maybe that’s a little bit too big so let’s just change to maybe four yeah four is okay for now  okay and then click on done so the next thing that i want to do is make sure that text sort of pops a  little bit and for that we can actually click on it again let’s click over here let’s go to font  and let’s try and add some text shadow okay so i’m going to add one one and maybe blur set it to five and then take shadow let’s set that to black i might drop the opacity down to 0.5  okay so that’s going to make sure that text pops out a little bit by adding a text shadow you can  also hover over here styling and then go to row overlay and then we can change this to black  right and then drop the opacity down to like 10 okay so it’s gonna make the image a little bit  darker and that just uh sort of enhances the text in the middle a little bit right so once you’re  done click on done and then that is done so i forgot to actually mention uh where to get your  images from now if you don’t have images of your own you can go to your website called  and you can find really nice images here for your website so you can search for like creator  or creating or something like that um they’ve got a ton of really nice images  like this one over here uh this one over here you want to try and look for an image which is like uh  horizontal rather than a vertical right because we need the we need it for our hero image and we want  to make sure that when we put text over it then the text still looks good okay so you want to make  sure you pick the right image that’s really really important because otherwise it won’t be visible  okay so you can find images over here you can also use adobe stock dot com i think and you can search  for images over here now this is paid but i think the quality of images is really good and probably  a lot more unique as well okay so you can use that and when you actually download the image you can  click into the image and we can download it for free generally you want to click on the drop down  and you can download it as a medium size okay otherwise if you download it as the original  it’s going to be too too large and the file size is going to be too big okay let’s go over here and  what we could do is we can also drag in another text module okay so this is like a sub headline  um i’m not sure what i want to put in here yet so i might just do like sub headline  subheading okay and let’s just click on save and what we could do is hover over here again  click on styling and we can go to font and we can align everything into the middle  like that and we can also change the color so basically when we do that it’s going to adjust  everything within the row okay so if we change the font size over here to maybe i think 20 i think that should be okay let’s click on save and we can click on this um text module over here  styling and click on margin and we’re gonna minus the margin so minus 10 okay that’s going to move  it up so what margin does is it’s basically i’m going to adjust the spacing outside the  blue box right let’s say do let’s say we do minus 20 it’s going to do that right so the padding  is if we click on that it’s going to adjust the spacing within that blue box right so if  we do let’s say we do a hundred okay so that’s going to adjust the spacing within that blue box  right like that that’s the padding so let’s just delete that the margin over here okay let’s do 100  so it’s going to adjust the spacing outside that blue box so we just want it a little bit so like a  little bit closer like that and save and then the next thing that i want to do is add in a button  okay so drag it below there and then we can change the button text so we could do like start here  so i don’t have anything to link at the moment so generally what i do is i link it to maybe  like a start now page or maybe my blog page i might do that so we can right click over here  copy link address okay okay so just paste in your url into that just like that and you can  link them to any page later on i just want to show you guys how to use it you can also change  the shape of the button to this one okay so that one might look good or maybe this one  let’s just change it a little bit um the button is quite large we can also change the color  black one we can change it to red you know it really depends on your color scheme so i’ll  show you guys how i choose the color scheme in a second so let’s just click on transparent for  now and let’s go to styling button link background okay so this is where you can actually change the  color like that and you can change it to any color that you want right so for me when i pick my color  scheme i generally just do it on miller note right so i choose the colors beforehand before i sort of  build my website i sort of take inspiration from other websites and what you can do is you can  download a chrome extension it’s called i think full screen capture and you can capture um like  entire pages and you can get a lot of inspiration when you’re building your website later  okay and if you don’t know which color to choose you can go to adobe adobe color just google it  and then we can go over here and then we can go to extract theme so you can find an image  on unsplash right so search for an image that you like and for example let’s go landscape  and let’s say you like this image over here we can download it onto our computer  or you like maybe this one over here or this one we can go back over here  to adobe and we can drop that image in over here and that’s going to create a nice  sort of color scheme right you can also change the different moods as well like that which i think is  really really nice and then what you could do is just copy the color code and you can put it into  miller note and then that way when you actually build your website you can use the same colors  throughout your entire website and that just ensures everything is professional so that’s  how professionals actually design and you know edit the colors uh for their website that’s why  it looks so good um so yeah so that’s what i highly recommend and then also choosing some  neutral colors as well which you can use for your website so generally use these colors when  you don’t know which color to actually use so let’s go back over here so let’s just say for  example i like i’ve picked this color scheme over here okay so this orange i really like this orange  and this is going to be like my accent color so i picked like a green sort of color scheme  and then i’m going to use this orange um sparingly on my website so maybe i can use it on my button  so let’s click over here styling and just paste that in like that’s and then we can click on hover  and then i go to over here let’s just paste this one in as well copy come back and paste that in  and that’s looking great right so i might change the size of that button a little bit so let’s just  it’s too big i think um 16 i think that looks okay okay so i might edit it later but let’s just keep  it nice and simple for now save it and close it all right so that is a very very simple uh layout  so what you’re going to notice is a gap over here and it’s not going to stretch across  so what we need to do is go to edit page and then what we’re going to do is make sure that  stretches all the way across uh to the left and that space on the top is actually gone  so let’s scroll down to the themify custom panel okay click on the drop down and that’s going to  appear and then for the content width you want to select full width so it goes all the way across  okay and update so let’s click on view page you can click on view page over here  or click on permalink and that’s going to take you to that page as well all right so that is looking great so before we get started to add content onto our website and  also display that content i do want to show you guys some essential things which is for example  your affiliate disclaimer which i recommend adding in so you can just simply turn on the  builder and add in your text module and drop in your affiliate disclosure so for example it  could be like some of these links on this website are affiliate links this means if you purchase  through those links we may receive a commission so this doesn’t incur any cost to you in some cases  you may receive a discount so these commissions help support the content for our website  so you could have something like that for your affiliate disclosure so this is like a ftc  requirement and you can also add it onto your blog post as well which i recommend and i’ll show you  guys how to do that later so you can simply just add that in and then you should be good to go  then you can create like a simple about page right so about page is going to build some trust with  your audience so you can tell them you know what this website is about who does it intend to help  why do you create it and where to actually find you okay so then next you might want to display  some social media icons down here so we’re going to go back to our dashboard section and i’ll show  you how to quickly add that in so themify ultra themify settings and then we can go to social  links and here is where you can just paste your profile urls right so for example twitter so i’m  just going to paste that in to show you quickly how that works you can also change the color but  i just like to keep it as default facebook we’re going to copy that and let’s paste that in here  and then youtube as well so you can copy your your youtube channel over here and let’s say if  you have instagram okay i’m just gonna paste that in let’s just change this to instagram  like that’s and then insert icon and then i’m gonna click on font  awesome and then i’m gonna try and type in insta grab okay so this one over here  and then that should be added in okay so you can also add in additional ones as well  then we can click on save and now before we actually exit out of here we need to actually  display it so we need to go to appearance and widgets so let’s go to appearance and widgets  and then what we need to do is look for theme of five social links over here so can drop this  widget onto any widget over here so we’re going to drop it on the footer social widget section okay  and then we’re going to open link in a new window okay so generally i like to open links in a new  window if it’s an external link a link that is not on your website okay because you want people  to stick on your website you don’t want them to you know leave so we’re going to click on save  and you can add it to your sidebar section later as well for your blog  but i’m just going to leave it as is okay so let’s go back to our homepage  and then you should have your social links like that and that’s looking pretty good  okay so another thing i want to show you is if you click on about if we turn on the builder  okay so if we go to the widgets over here we can drop it below so we can select themify  social widgets as well like that and that should display as well okay so i’m going to open link  in a new tab and for the color i’m going to click on styling and then we’re going to see  i think that should be a link so we’re going to change the link color to maybe like a dark gray  something like yeah i think that should be fine maybe the same color so yeah same color as a text  sort of thing okay that looks pretty good let’s click on done okay so you can do that as well  you can also go to blocks so these are sort of pre-created blocks which you can drag and drop in  um to help you with the layout design of your website as well so i do have a full tutorial on  showing you guys step by step of how to actually create the website and how to use the builder  and all the different functions on it because for this video i just  wanted to focus mostly on actually getting you guys results let’s go to  the uh let’s go layouts over here load layout and you can also load different layouts as well which  have been designed so for example if you want to load this about a layout then you can do that as  well okay and then all you need to do is click into the modules and edit the text and change  images as well as the colors then you should be good to go so let’s click on close let’s say that  let’s close this over here next thing that is really important and really crucial to understand  is that we want to make sure that our website is always mobile responsive so if we resize the  screen just by dragging it in you’re going to see that image is not looking that great right and the  text is not looking that great it should be a lot more responsive than that okay so to make  it more responsive we can turn on the builder and what we can do is we can set the styling for  the mobile devices only or tablet devices or tablet landscape so right now we’re on the desktop  version so we can click on mobile alright and what we can do is we can either display that image  on the top or on the bottom so to do that we can hover over the row and we can set it to this one  over here okay so to change it like that or we could try and put it below that so we can do  something like this okay right to left and that’s going to display like that so i think that is  perfect right now um obviously your image is not going to be that big on mobile because right now  it’s displaying quite large but that is fine then what we could do is make sure that on tablet it’s  looking great as well so we could do the same thing or we could also change it to something  different as well so for example what we could do is let’s say for example we for tablet landscape  okay maybe we don’t want to have this image display at all so you can hover  over here and click on visibility and then we can hide it for specific devices as well  okay so you can also do something like for example we can also duplicate it like this  and then what we could do is click visibility for this one and we can hide it from mobile  and what we could do for this one is we can click on visibility display it for mobile  only and then go to image and we can ultimately sort of change that image if we want to so for  example we could do like let’s go ahead and upload another image so maybe this one over here open  so let’s go and insert file url okay so what it’s going to do is click on done let’s click on mobile and then okay so that should click on that one let’s go to visibility so on mobile it should  hide okay let’s click on done save it and close it okay so now if we uh resize the screen like that  then that’s going to edit and change the image for mobile devices only okay so that’s really  important to know because sometimes you might need to use that so what you want to do is whenever you  build a new layout for a page or anything like that you always want to make sure that you have  a mobile responsive website so you always want to check it like that and if it doesn’t look  good then you can always edit it okay so we can also click on turn on builder and we can also  set a specific size for the text or the buttons for mobile devices only so for example okay we’ll  click on the mobile device over here click on text and then we can click on styling we can go to the  heading one font heading one and we can change it so we can change it to like let’s say three  okay so make it a little bit smaller so this is going to only change for mobile devices only  if we click back onto the desktop version then what you’re going to notice is that it goes back  to that specific size so you can go back over here and that changes right so you can even change  the color and you can edit it however you like specific for mobile devices only okay click on  done save and let’s close that okay so we’ve got the basics for our website done so right now what  we need to do is we need to focus in on creating content for our website okay so this is going to  be the most important part for your affiliate marketing business and your affiliate marketing  website so think of content sort of like food for a restaurant so with a restaurant like everything  could be bad but if the food is amazing then it still could be super busy so that’s how important  content is for your website so right now we do want to just have a very very simple layout now  a lot of people you know focus in on you know try to create the perfect website before they actually  create content so the most important thing is to have content so that people come to our website  first we make some sales then we can always adjust it as we go because we don’t have much  stuff on our website then we can’t really create much of a layout anyway so what we want to do is  for our content creation you want to make sure that you’ve done your keyword research from  before okay so what we’ve done is i’ve determined that i want to target tubebuddy review for my page  so if we actually go to tubebuddy review over here what you’re going to notice is if you actually do  like a quotation search basically we’re competing against 7000 other websites right so we want to  make sure that our website is ranking on page number one because generally if it’s not ranking  on page number one then people aren’t really going to you know click on page number two and three  and four and things like that now ideally we do want to have a website ranking number one two or  three right so there are thousands of different ranking factors for your website but the main  two factors is going to be like the relevance and the quality of content and also the number  of backlinks for your website so what i mean by backlinks is let’s say for example on this forbes  article and if you read the article you’ll notice that they have different links to  other pages as well so if we click on a link okay and that’s going to redirect to  and this article over here so this is a backlink from forbes to entrepreneur so generally the more  links that you have to your website the higher you’re gonna rank on google right provided that  your content is good right so each link to your website is sort of like a vote of popularity  so the more votes then the higher that you can rank so not all votes are sort of um equal so  if you’re getting a link from which is a you know highly trusted website that gets  millions of visitors each month then it’s going to be different if you get a link from a a newer  website so to actually get links to your website we need to have the best content possible because  if we don’t have the best content then there’s no reason why people are going to actually link to us  in the first place right so what we need to focus in now is creating great content so i’m going  to walk you through exactly step by step how to actually do that so there are a few key elements  of great content so number one which is probably going to be the most important one is that your  content should match the searches intent okay so what i mean by that is what is the user what is  the searcher trying to find like the information right you want to provide the information that  they’re looking for so for example if we are creating content about tubebuddy review for that  keyword then your content should be a review about tubebuddy right it should talk about exactly what  it is you know who uses the product is it good or not the different plans and pricing do you  actually recommend it so i know that it sounds like very very straightforward and sounds kind  of stupid that you you wouldn’t do that in in the first place but when i first created uh my website  like eight years ago i was creating a website for maxi dresses right so what i found was that okay  maxi dresses was very very low competition and it had like over 100 000 um searches per month  right so what i thought i would do is that maybe i could actually target this keyword  because it’s low competition and no one else is actually doing it so the thing is i created a  website and i wanted to link them to amazon right so that could make an amazon affiliate commission  right but the thing is if you actually type in max addresses what you’re going to notice is that  all of these websites over here are sort of product uh pages or product categories  so people are actually looking for you know a real e-commerce website and they want to browse all the  dresses and they want to you know purchase the dresses okay so they don’t really want to read  a sort of blog post about maxi dresses and then click an affiliate link to direct them to  another website to purchase the product right they want a real e-commerce website that they trust and  then they can browse the product and purchase the product right so that’s the search’s intent  okay so you’ll always want to make sure that you create content that matches the searches intent so  for example if for example you might you might want to create a review about tubebuddy okay but  then you might think okay this doesn’t actually get too many searches and you know it’s easy but  yeah it’s not going to get too many searches so what you want to try and do is maybe you wanted  to try and just target tubebuddy okay so this one might be medium difficulty but as you can see the  global volume is quite high so a lot of people are searching for it but if you actually go and  type in tubebuddy over here then if you actually scroll and look at the top 10 results there’s no  sort of um you know blog content about tubebuddy right it’s all like for example uh the actual  website the actual chrome extension um tubebuddy’s youtube channel the app store and things like that  so people aren’t really looking for a article about tubebuddy right if you know what i mean  so if you actually target this keyword then you’re probably not going to rank for it on page number  one okay because people are looking for the exact product so before you actually create  content for a specific keyword or key phrase always do a google search for that keyword and  look at the top 10 results and see you know what type of content they’ve actually created okay so  many times you don’t have to try and reinvent the wheel uh you do want to provide you know better  content but you don’t want to have it like too far off what is currently ranking okay because that’s  generally what people are actually looking for in the first place right so don’t try to change it up  too much you just want to create something that’s a lot better a lot more unique and then you want  to get back links to your website and that’s just the basics of it okay so the next thing is also  equally important is that you want to create unique content so you never want to copy other  people’s content especially if you’re copying like the whole entire article you don’t want to copy  and paste right that’s not going to work you’re going to make sure that content is unique and not  a duplicate because the thing is like there’s no reason why google is going to rank your website if  it’s the same content as another website right that will just be spammy okay so that’s very  very important that you don’t want to copy um huge chunks of other people’s websites now yes you can  copy like maybe like a small quote and things like that um but you definitely don’t want to copy like  the entire article okay so number three uh you want to provide real insight and real experience  so a lot of people when they’re creating a affiliate marketing website they are just  you know copying the the features and talking about the features but they’re not sharing their  real experience and real insight okay so i think you know 2021 and moving forward a lot of websites  that actually just copy the features and just talk about that without actually trying the product  is gonna fail right because most people when they’re starting an affiliate marketing business  they wanna do the least amount of possible so if you actually have real insight and real  experience it’s going to help protect your content from from other competitors as well  okay and number four you want to have good understanding of the topic or the product  so you want to make sure you do your research um you know really thoroughly now if you don’t  have the product you want to make sure you do as much research as possible if you don’t understand  the topic then you want to find out and fully understand it before you write about it so if you  look at all the top websites all the top youtubers you know they have a good understanding of what  they’re talking about okay so that’s really really important if you don’t understand you have to  learn that’s just the truth you know there’s no way around it so if you do understand the topic  then that’s awesome okay you’re gonna have a head start but if you don’t then you have to learn more  about it number five you want to try and include keywords from your keyword research naturally  within your content so for example if we are doing the tubebuddy review okay so what you can do is  you can look at the top result or the top three results and you can click into the keywords right  um that they’re actually ranking for for that page and what you’re going to notice is that um  it’s also ranking for other keywords as well so like what is tubebuddy um is truebody safe how to  use tubebuddy so these are some of the things that people are searching for and some of the questions  that people want to want answered okay so if you actually include that content within your  review content then it’s going to be amazing right because that’s exactly what people are looking for  so that’s why it’s really important to look at the keyword research and look at all the keywords  and try to create maybe different subheadings from it as well so for example you could have  tubebuddy pricing and then you could have like content about is tubebuddy free  how to use it and things like that within your content and that’s really going to help  your your content stand out okay because you’re covering everything uh that people are looking  for right so number six you want to provide answers to what people are actually searching  for on google or youtube or on the forum so this is similar to number five um if you actually do  a a search for the keyword so generally there is a section like this like people also ask  so you can include this within your content and what you can also do is scroll down to the bottom  part and you can see other you know searches that people do as well and what you can also  do is you can actually search up different forums i think like reddit forums and things like that  you can see what people are asking and also go to youtube and watch the uh videos on the  actual review on the product and then you can discuss the concerns that people actually have  so number seven you want to make sure that your content is thorough and complete try to cover  the entire uh topic really thoroughly okay try to create the best thing possible that you can okay  your content is your product number eight you want to make sure it’s well formatted  so for example you don’t want like a huge chunk of text you want to make sure you break it down into  different subheadings and make sure it’s very very easy to digest okay so people don’t like  reading like huge chunks of text and you know if people see that then they’re going to click  off your website and then that’s going to give google a negative signal for your website because  people are clicking off your website right so google is going to take that into consideration in  ranking your content as well number nine you want to include supporting images and also screenshots  videos and maybe quotes and references to sort of enhance your content a little bit  right because people don’t want to read just a bunch of text they want to look at some images and  you know make it more interesting for them and make it easier for them to actually  read again okay so that’s really really important number 10 you want to include  not just the good but also the bad as well like if you’re writing a review don’t just write all  the good points you should also write some bad points as well that just adds some credibility to  to what you’re saying okay so if people see that you’re just you know writing all the good stuff  then you know people aren’t going to trust you so people aren’t going to read all your content and  things like that so you don’t just want to be like okay this product is absolutely amazing and you  have no downsides whatsoever then i don’t think that’s very very good right but then on the other  hand you do want to have like if there is some bad points sometimes it’s not necessarily bad uh  for everyone so for me i used to like really like if i if i don’t like a product then i would say  like okay i don’t like it but the thing is like there’s different types of users so let’s say for  example you’re creating content about tubebuddy right you’re writing a review so the users of  tubebuddy there there are different types of users for example you might have an 18 year old who has  a gaming channel but then you might have like a 36 year old who has a business channel so everyone  is sort of different so you have to try and uh think about you know their needs right you have  to think about okay is this product good for them maybe it’s not good for you maybe you should get  this product you have to try and think of it like that okay because sometimes one product might be  good for one person one product might be bad for another so for example if uh let’s say for example  uh i like bmws right but then someone might not like bmw because of xyz maybe you recommend like  a you know a different car maybe like a japanese car or something like that because of x y and z  okay so there’s not necessarily uh just like bad all the way and not necessarily good all  the way so having both you know addressing both points is going to help with your credibility and  also help people make the right decision as well okay so those are just some of the key elements  of creating great content so what i want to discuss right now is the content creation process  so i want to help you guys break down everything step by step day by day so that you guys can have  like an action plan of creating content because i know that you know creating content might be  quite scary but honestly it’s not as hard if you break it down step by step day by day right if  you try to do everything one day you’re going to get completely overwhelmed and you’re probably not  going to take any action and if you really want to succeed with affiliate marketing it’s about  actually producing content and taking action right so day number one you can focus on keyword  and competition research so you can use ahrefs to do keyword research and you can look through  all the different websites and you know research the different keywords that you can target as well  and you can use a miller note to jot down all your ideas and brainstorm you know find out you know  what they’re doing well what they’re not doing well you know what can you improve on and things  like that or any other information that you might need right because you might have a lot of things  in your head so it’s really good to actually just write that down and then you can come back to it  later on so then what you could do for day two is you could do product research and also testing  of the products so depending on the product and depending on the competition it may take longer  for the testing and things like that it may take a week or might take two weeks  it really depends on what type of product that you want to promote as well okay because you want to  gain as much product knowledge as possible that way the content that you create is going to be  really good all right so day three you can start writing you know your titles your introduction  your different subheadings and you can also create your featured image right so what i recommend  is writing all your content in google docs first because that way you have it saved right you don’t  really want to write directly on wordpress because it’s not as easy to sort of edit your content  there okay so you want to have your content ready in google doc and then you want to transfer it  once it’s all done okay so you can write out your title um and then you can also get your affiliate  links as well so generally um you should apply to join the affiliate program by now so most of the  time when you join the affiliate program it’s going to be like an in-house affiliate program  and you can just get the affiliate link directly from the dashboard area sometimes the uh affiliate  program might be like a affiliate network that you have to join and then it does take like a day or  two to get approved once you get approved then get the affiliate link and then you can paste it into  here okay so what i also like to do is i like to write out you know who is reading this post  okay because that’s going to give me a very clear direction of you know who am i writing for so you  can also write out your introduction and then you can also write out all the different subheadings  so you don’t have to write everything right now but you can write out the different subheadings  based on your keyword research and then once you’ve done that then you can create your blog  post featured image so your blog post featured image is like the image like this right you got  your blog post and then you need image that’s going to display on your blog right so you can  either create it on or you could hire someone on fiverr to actually do it for you so  you can search blog featured image and you can hire someone and think it starts from like five  bucks or something like that five to ten dollars for your blog post featured image and then you  can get that done okay so that’s probably going to take you know 24 hours or 48 hours to get it done  and then once you’ve done that day four you can just focus in on writing so just filling out you  know all the subheadings that you have written right and you can just focus in on writing so  when you’re writing just pretend you’re writing to a friend right don’t over complicate it i know  a lot of people might be scared you might be like thinking you know i’m not a good writer  but at the end of the day we’re just writing our opinion okay so don’t try to over complicate it  just focus on writing and over time you’ll get better at it okay when you first start out you  might not be the best um it’s just gonna take time just like if you were to learn tennis so  you’re not going to be the best tennis player overnight okay you’re not going to create the  best chocolate cake overnight so you have to keep on practicing and over time you’ll get good at it  all right and then the next day you can just focus on editing that content making sure everything is  well formatted and everything makes sense and you know write out your conclusion and things like  that and check all your work right and then day six you can focus in on adding different images  screenshots uh videos or different quotes and you know references for your article okay so  to add some more sort of depth into it okay so if you want to screenshot things then what i  recommend is going to so this is a really awesome tool that’s going to help you  screenshot anything that you need and you can also record uh short videos and also gif files as well  so for example we click here we can capture it okay just like that selecting the area  and then that’s going to capture again that’s going to upload directly to the server  and then you can use this to draw like arrows okay so you can also change the color to the color that  you selected for your color palette earlier you can also blur things out as well so for example  like that okay so you can play around with the different settings and once you’re done click  on share and then that’s going to upload okay so then you can paste in the url so you can share  this with a friend especially if you’re working with other people this is a really really awesome  tool okay so you can download that onto your computer okay so what i recommend is creating like  a special folder with all your images so when it comes to images you always want to make sure that  you sort of uh optimize images so it’s not the biggest file size you want to make sure that  the image is not too big otherwise your website’s going to load slowly right so this is another sort  of ranking factor as well um the user experience factor right so with your website you want to make  sure that it is loading quickly and a big part of that is if you have too many images it’s going to  load slowly so what you always want to do is make sure you use photoshop and either crop your images  to a smaller size and you always want to use the jpeg file okay unless you need a logo then you  might need a png okay so let’s say for example we got the image let’s just save that image  okay so let’s just download that all right so what i recommend is naming your images appropriately so  that might be uh let’s say you know a specific feature okay of tubebuddy okay so feature one  all right because this is going to be for search engine purposes as well right so i’ll talk about  that a little bit later then you want to go to photo okay or you can use photoshop or any other  tool that you guys use and then we can let’s go grab that image and then we can drop that in okay  and then over here we’re gonna scroll down to resize and let’s just resize it to  i think one thousand and you wanna make sure this is selected so that way when you change it the uh  the height also changes okay click on apply and then export okay so you probably need to log in  okay and then we can save it as normal quality so generally that should be enough and download  it okay let’s save it right so if we compare the file size if we look at the file size over here  uh so we’ve saved it as a png and that one is about 107 kilobytes this one over here is about  half that size okay so that’s gonna ensure that your website loads quickly otherwise if you have  too many images then it’s gonna be super slow okay so that’s a really important thing as well  that you have to note then day seven then you can focus on adding the actual content  that you’ve written onto wordpress so this is the next step that i actually show you and then i’ll  show you guys how to optimize it for the search engines okay so let’s get into that right now so  once you finish writing all your content and also getting ready all your images ready to actually  upload onto your website then hopefully you know adding that content to our website won’t be as  hard so with your images i’ve basically cropped it to around 1000 pixels in width and they’re  all in jpeg format already right and the total file size for the whole entire folder is around  two megabytes okay so generally you probably don’t want your page size to be more than three  megabytes three to four megabytes if it’s that size then you’ll need to have a really really uh  powerful web hosting server for example cloud hosting otherwise your website’s going to load  slow what we’re going to do is add in our content so we can hover over here and click on add post or  we can go to our dashboard area and we can go to the post over here okay and then click on add new  so let’s click on that okay so now if you don’t see the dashboard the left hand panel and also  the top tab then we can click on the three dots on the right hand side and we can deselect the  full screen mode okay so generally i keep it like this it’s just a lot easier for me so  we’ve got our content ready so then all we need to do is just copy and paste basically so copy  and then just paste in your title scrolling down and we’re going to add in a new category so this  one is going to be reviews okay so if you have comparison it might be comparison if you have some  other category for example like how to or tutorial or news just write in your specific category  and add new and then make sure that is selected then we can go to tags this is going to be  tubebuddy and then we’re going to do comma tubebuddy review and then we might do youtube growth tool something like that and then for our featured image so you should have  created a featured image previously so we’re going to click on that  and then upload files select files and then we’re going to upload our featured image  so i personally got the featured image done on so you can either get that done or you  can just use canva or photoshop depending on what you guys use so the file size for the image is  1280 by 720 pixels so we’re going to set that in and set featured image so once we have done that  then over here we can click on discussion and if you want to you know allow comments or not allow  comments you can disable it here as well if you scroll down to themify custom panel over here you  can actually set the specific layout for that blog post right so you can do this later uh we’re going  to leave it as is right for right now okay but i just wanted to show you guys that you can do that  then the next step we can click on publish okay and then we can also uh select this if you don’t  want to click on publish twice right so you can deselect it and then every time you click on  publish then it’s published so over here we can check our url is this the url that you want okay  so basically what we can do is close this and i want to edit that url a little bit because  it is a bit too long so i want to keep it try to keep it as short as possible so tubebuddy review  let’s do this okay so let’s just delete that okay we’re going to keep it as tubebuddy review and  then we’re going to update that so just try to keep your url structure uh nice and clean  uh you don’t want to have like 2021 because then you know in 2022 then your url will be outdated  so you don’t really want to change your urls too often because it’s going to hurt your search  engine rankings unless you sort of do something like redirection but you know that’s another thing  that you need to do what you want to do is make sure everything is done right when you just start  out okay so once you’ve done that then let’s check everything that looks so good let’s update it  and we can navigate by clicking on v post or we can just click on the url like that okay so this  is our blog post so what i want to show you now is how to add in the content for example the text  images videos and your links then i’ll show you guys how to style it so change the layout and also  change the colors to your branding okay so what we can do is first of all turn on the builder  on the top or you can turn it on over here and then on the left we’ve got the modules again so  generally you know there’s quite a lot of modules but you don’t really need to use all of these so  most of the time i just use like the text module video module and the image module so over here is  where we can actually put in our content so for example let’s say for example we want to add this  content over here which is our introduction we can just copy it from google docs and then i’m  going to drag in the text module and drop it and then i’m going to paste it and match style okay so  that is the introduction and then what i’m going to do is do the next part so what is tubebody so  let’s just copy that and then go over here so what i’m going to do is i’m going to click on done and  then add another text module and then i can put in the title so what is tubebuddy now this is really  important so we want to change it to heading two or you could change it to heading three or four  but don’t change it to heading one so generally for each blog post and each page you should only  have one heading one and that’s going to be your title okay so this is for search engine purposes  so for now i think i might just do it as heading three okay that looks okay let’s click on save  and then let’s go ahead and paste in our content so copy come back over here so we can just add  it in that same module as well so paste and match style or you could just add in a new text  module as well so sometimes i think that looks okay so what we’re going to do after is going  to add like a content section and it’s going to scroll to each of the different sections as well  so here if you want to add an image all right so let’s add in our image so we can drag in the  image module just below that and then what i want to do is click on upload files select files and i  want to upload all the images that i’m going to upload for this post so that way i don’t have  to upload it individually again so we’re going to select all our images except the uh this one  which we’ve added in before and then what we could do is just click on open okay so that’s going to  upload all our images that we need so that way we don’t have to you know keep on uploading images  everything is very very streamlined so the image that i want to pick is let’s find it i think it’s  this one okay so this one over here let’s do insert file url and that’s going to insert our  image so we can also add in an alt tag over here okay so this is maybe you know what is  true buddy so what a alt tag does is that you can put in like you know the description of the image  so by default google doesn’t really understand you know what your image is about so if you add  an alt tag it’s going to give an idea of you know what that image represents so then when  google actually scans the content on your website then they know okay this website is talking about  tubebuddy and things like that let’s click on done and then that is done so then the next section is  let’s add this in over here copy it so this should be fairly simple so what we’re going to do is i’m  going to keep on adding in that content so we’re going to add it in like that so as you can see  over here it’s probably too close so what i like about themify is that you can actually hover over  here and you can drag it like that so i’m going to drag it and maybe do 20 pixels or maybe 25  okay so let’s say if i do 25 then you know in the future then all of it will be 25 as well  so that’s going to keep everything consistent and we can click on that and we can also align  it into the middle like that as well you can also go to styling and you can adjust it here as well  so they’re both pretty much the same thing so we can click on done so next i’m going to show you  guys how to add in the next sections and i want to show you guys up to i think up to pros and  cons because i do want to show you guys how to style this section as well so let’s quickly add  in the rest so let’s just grab all of this maybe let’s just grab that one first copy  let’s go back over here we can also duplicate the text modules like that if you want to  so then we can just paste it in uh this one we’re going to reduce that size that spacing  and then we can also bold our text like this okay then the next section is going to be  getting started with tubebuddy so what we want to do is we want to sort of add like a calls action  um near the start of our blog post which is going to include our affiliate link so then people can  click on their link and then if they do purchase the product then we can get a commission right  so generally we don’t want to have our affiliate links like at the end of a blog post we want to  have it within you know the blog post maybe three to five times so this one let’s just copy that  let’s come back over here and let’s just duplicate that post again let’s click on  that and then let’s just paste that in that match style let’s change this to heading three  again then the next section is going to be available on so let’s just try and copy that  copy this and paste that in let’s grab another text module put that below there paste that in  okay so sometimes the format b might be off so we need to try to reformat it ourselves a little bit  so what we can do to display this text is we can go to styling and then we can go to  multi columns and set the column to two okay so that’s going to be like something like that  so actually what we’re going to do is i’m actually going to click on this and maybe just  let’s just remove that one oops delete that click on that one and let’s click enter paste that in change that to bold okay so sometimes  you do have to play around with it and fix it okay so to try to make everything look nice so let’s go  back over here we’re gonna add in a button so i’ll show you how to do that let’s click on done let’s  go ahead and drop a button module just below here and then we can change the button text so install for free and then here we can put in our affiliate link so i’ll show you guys how to cloak your  affiliate link a little bit later right now i’m just going to you know put the actual affiliate  link so an example of an affiliate link which is cloaked is something like this so we’re on the  food rangers blog and if you hover over the button over here get tubebuddy now you’re gonna see the  forward slash tubebuddy on the bottom left okay so that is an example  so that just sort of cleans up your affiliate links so sometimes when you do get affiliate  links uh from the affiliate program it may be like a very very long link okay it does  look kind of messy and people might not want to click it so sometimes a lot of blogs and a lot  of youtubers actually cloak it like this and i’ll show you guys how to do that a little bit later  so we’re just gonna copy and paste that in for now and we can edit that later so okay  so for the link we just paste that in okay so when people click on that link it’s going  to redirect to tubebuddy so what we could do is probably just arrange it into the middle  so right now i’m just going to leave it as is and i’ll show you guys how to change the colors  later when we style everything so i might just add a little bit of spacing right now maybe 20  25 i think that looks okay let’s go back over here okay let’s add in the rest of that let’s copy this and then click on done let’s drag in another text module below that’s  paste that in add some padding align it to the middle come back over here  so let’s get this done let’s copy this actually i’m going to try and copy the whole bit just copy  that and then let’s go ahead drag in another text module below that and then paste that in  who uses tubebuddy change that to heading three okay so if we want to sort of link a text so for  example i’m going to click on this and let’s copy that link okay so if you want to add a  link in wordpress and the editor so we could just highlight the text okay and click on insert link  and then we could just paste that in so generally what i do is click on link options and i paste it  in like that and then because this is linking to someone else’s external link then i want to open  link in a new tab because generally i want to keep people on my website if it’s like a link within my  own website then i’ll just do it without this add link and then you can do it for the rest of these  ones so that’s just the basics of it now you can also add affiliate links like that as well okay  so i’m not going to show you like each and every one you’re going to have to do that yourself so  let’s go back over here let’s add this one in copy that and let’s see let’s just add the whole thing done drop in a text module let’s paste that in change this to maybe heading oops that’s not good  ctrl z okay maybe hit enter let’s change it to heading three  and then what we need to do is let’s try to format that properly like that  okay um let’s just leave that right now let’s go back over here okay and then maybe i might have  another text so get started with the tubebuddy maybe that might not be a button though  so let’s click on that and then just have it like that paste that in let’s move it to the middle  and then if we want to copy the affiliate link again just copy that  paste that in so everything that i’m showing you now is like the actual work that you need  to do to become successful with making a affiliate marketing website right so there’s so many videos  on youtube that just show you like you know just like the concept of it but you actually  have to do the work right so this is part of the work um and yeah it’s just all everything that  you need to know so let’s go down over here and let’s add in the pros and cons so if you want to  display your pros and cons so we can display it in a few ways so let’s go back over here  so what i’m gonna do actually is add a new row okay something like that and then i’m going to  separate it into two columns okay two columns like that one on the left one on the right  let’s do a text module again paste that in and then we’re gonna copy that  like that and then we can come back over here let’s paste that in okay let’s change that to heading three oops let’s drop a space first change that to heading  three or maybe try heading two maybe heading three actually so then we can go back over here  copy that and then we can just duplicate that one drop that one over click this in  select all and maybe just paste the match style oops that’s not good uh let’s just  delete that first paste and match style click on enter changes to heading three  save it let’s click on this and okay so for the rest of this stuff uh you can pretty much do that  yourself so the next thing that i want to show you now is how to actually style your blog post so i’m  going to add in a bit more content and then i’ll show you guys how to style it and make it look  really really nice okay so i’ve added in some more content so what i want to show you now is how to  add in like a content section something like this over here where people can actually click on it  and it can scroll down to the different sections so this is going to add to the user experience  of your blog post and your website so let’s go back over here and then let’s turn on our builder  so this is actually really simple to add so we can actually drop in let’s say a text module  let’s say we want to drop it over here oops let’s move it back okay so just above what is tubebuddy  so over here we can label this content let’s change it to heading 4 like that  and then what we want to do is we want to look back at our article and we can start  adding in sort of all the different uh sections so for example what is tubebuddy  so for example copy that and then we can start adding all the different sections in manually  and maybe who uses it like that and then we could do the next section which is going to be let’s say okay so pros and cons so or maybe getting  uh wait wait a second i think we’re missing something uh what is shoebody pros and cons pros and cons enter so i’m just going to quickly add all these in okay so you can add your content  section in as well and then i’ll show you guys how to style it properly and link it to the  different sections so right now i’ve just added in everything like that okay so it’s all in one  column so as you can see on the right hand side there’s a lot of space over here so what we can  actually do is i think we need to fix this text over here first so let’s click on enter so what  we could do is click on styling okay and then go to multi columns and set the column to two  so sometimes you can set it to three depending on how you want to display it i think that is okay as  well so i might just put it as two though okay so what we want to do is we want to add a background  color so as you can see over here we’ve got nice background color so what we want to do is go  back to our miller note and if you have your color palette selected then we could just copy the color  code okay come back over here go to background and we’re going to paste in the color like that  all right so what i like to do is i click on it okay i’m going to drop the opacity down to let’s  say 0.0.1 or 0.15 maybe like that and then what we could do is actually i’m going to put 0.1 for now  and then we could go and go to border and then paste in the color on the left okay so paste in  the color there and then we’re going to set it to four so as you can see it’s a bit too  close to the edges so what we want to do is add some padding so let’s click on padding on here  so padding is just space so i could just drag it and move it in like that so i can try maybe 20.  so as you can see it’s a bit uneven so maybe what we could do is make sure we adjust it a little  bit let’s see so we’re going to deselect this for the bottom i’m going to change it to maybe  10 okay so i think that looks a little bit better or maybe even 5 something like that so everything  looks really really nice now so how do you actually link the different sections to each  of the different sections over here so what you can do is you can link it two ways so for example  if we want to link it to this section over here we can let’s set in the uh link id first so  let’s click into the text module edit and then for the id name we’re gonna label it what is and then we’re gonna copy it to our clipboard let’s click over here again and then select this  text okay we’re gonna paste in this so we’re gonna type in hash first and then paste it in  and then we’re gonna click on apply okay so that’s gonna add a link  so if people click on it then it’s going to scroll down to the  this section over here hopefully so let’s click on save and we’re going to close it  okay let’s scroll down a little bit click over there and as you can see it’s going to scroll to  this module over here so if we actually click it it’s going to scroll past the title area  so what we want to do is actually scroll it to the to the row okay so we can turn on the builder so  if we actually zoom out then what you’re going to notice is that all this content is in one  row okay so over here when you hover over it as you can see this purple that’s the second row so  this is actually in one row so what i want to do is scroll to the very bottom and i’m going to add  a new row like this and then what i’m going to do is i’m going to click it and drag it up okay  so hold on to it click it drag it up to the very top and i sort of want to separate it into two  different rows like that okay so i’m going to drag this content over here drag this one over here on  the top okay so now it’s in number one row and then number two over here so i’m also going to  add a little bit of spacing on the top like that so maybe 25 so instead of linking it to the text  module i want to let’s just cut this and click on done i want to link it to the row so we’re  going to hover over here row options and set the row anchor to whoops let’s row options and paste  that in so that’s going to set in the location to the row let’s click on save and we can close that so as you can see it’s going to scroll down to the row so if we click on that okay and that’s going  to look really good so what you can actually do is you can make it scroll down to either the text  module or the row so sometimes if we actually turn on the builder let’s say we want to scroll it to  the summary section okay so we don’t actually have a summary here so let’s just do maybe summary and then we can set the link summary like that’s and then we can scroll down  and we can actually scroll it to the sort of the text module above so we can scroll like this and  then label this summary click on done save it and then close it so if we click on it like that then  it’s going to scroll sort of like that okay which is okay as well so you can do it both ways scroll  it to the row or scroll it to the text module so what you can do is you can individually uh  do it for each one okay so what i want to show you now is how to actually change the link color  so as you can see the link color is red and you know that’s not part of my color scheme  that i’ve actually set in here so what i’m going to try and do is maybe change the colors of this  copy that okay let’s go ahead and go over here customize and i’m going to try and change the  color uh universally okay so that means i don’t have to change it you know for each individual  module so let’s click on let’s go to body and body link okay let’s paste in the module like that  okay so as you can see that color is really really nice okay so everything looks you know blends in  really well with my color scheme so that is that then we can click on publish and then for the link  hover what we can do is we can also set it to this one so dark green okay and we can paste that in  like that so when people hover over it it’s like this dark green okay so you can adjust  it a little bit as well so maybe sometimes i actually just take this color over here  okay so we can actually go to a website called zero to 255 and we can paste in the color over  here click on next and then what we could do is it’s going to give us shades of the same color so  what i like to do is pick maybe two to three shades darker for the link hover okay so this  is like a web design okay so you know you’re learning a bit of everything here and it’s  honestly what you actually need uh to know so you need to know you know a little bit about keyword  research a little bit about building your website a little bit about design and everything like that  so as you can see it just makes it a little bit darker it’s very very subtle but it looks very  really nice click on publish and while i’m here i’m actually going to change the color scheme for  the entire website as well so we’re going to start from the top okay so for the headings let’s click  on okay so that is the main navigation so over here menu link okay let’s just  select the green color okay so it didn’t actually save yet because i need to exit out of it perhaps  so it’s gonna copy that paste that in oops that is actually the background color put it into here  like that um i think that looks okay ish okay so we can actually keep it like that or we could just  do perhaps just for the menu link hover and we could do something like that right so it hovers  like that color so i’m actually going to go back over here and make sure this one is saved as well  and then click on publish then if you’re scrolling down as you can see you can see the back to top  button so what we’re going to do is we’re going to change that back to top button color so let’s  go to advanced and then scroll down to footer and then look for back to top button okay for  the color we’re going to select this one okay the dark oops that’s not the one that i want so  we want that for the background color and then we want to change that to white something like  that okay so that looks really really nice so you can either pick like an orange color which is also  part of my color scheme up to you right so just try and keep everything consistent as possible  um i think that is looking pretty decent okay let’s click on publish so what i want to do  is maybe i want to change the footer color okay so what we could do is go to footer wrap  let’s go to background color and maybe select that color like that okay and then what i can do  is i’m going to change the the link color within there so let’s put a font change that to white  and then for the link color for the link let’s change that to white again  okay so that looks really really nice we’re going to click on publish  and yeah so that’s basically how you actually change the colors on your website so you can  control each of the different sections over here so let’s close that for a second let’s go to our  blog okay so as you can see we can’t actually see our blog post yet so what we need to do is turn  on the builder and actually display our blog post so what we could do is click on the post over here  and drag it in like that and now you can actually see the blog post right so we can actually change  you know how we want to display it like that and then what we could do is click on save and then  what we can do is i’m going to actually change that hover color as well so let’s click on close  and let’s click into that first okay so i want to change that hover color let’s go to customize  okay so i want to click on post and then that’s going to be the post title over here  for the post title hover we’re going to change it to the green so maybe the dark green perhaps  uh whoops that’s the background color okay that should be the font color like that okay  so it may be something like that and then for the post title we can also align it into the middle  like that looks quite nice and then for the post date we can also change that as well so  let’s minimize all that and let’s go to post date we can also change the background color of that  so for me i don’t really want this rounded version of it so i’ll show you guys how to change it  so what else do we need to change so let’s scroll down to the bottom okay so over here how do you  change the color over here so we can go to forms and then this is going to be the form button  and then for the background let’s just change it to the green like that and then maybe the hover  color let’s change it to the dark green okay so that’s going to look really really nice and subtle  okay everything is consistent on our website then we can actually click on publish  and then let’s go and click on close  so i want to change this okay to an inline sort of uh date so let’s go back to our dashboard  so let’s open up in a new tab let’s go to themify ultra themify settings  and then over here we can go to default layouts default single post layout and then what we could  do here is we can either hide the post date if you want to or change it to inline text click on save  and then we can refresh it and then it looks something like that okay so it’s really really  awesome this theme that’s why i highly recommend it because you can literally create any type of  website any type of theme that you want right so customizable otherwise if you you know pick  a theme then sometimes you want to change something and you can’t really change the  thing you need to change the entire theme right so that’s why this theme is so good so over here this  is the meta description now you can definitely hide it if you want to so for example we could  hide you know the author save it and let’s close it and then that’s going to disappear like that  um you can also hide you know the different sections like categories and tags like that as  well maybe i just might keep it but what i want to do is probably move it into the middle and  i would probably want to let’s say maybe let’s let’s just not hide that one okay and then we’re  going to click on save okay so what i want to do is change my name though because right now it’s  just my email so let’s go to users over here click on edits and then i’m gonna set my name so Jason  chua and then display publicly as maybe Jason or who can chew it doesn’t really matter okay  and then here you can also change and you set your password as well let’s click on update let’s  go back over here and refresh okay so that’s going to be like my name uh the category and  the tags so let’s just go to customize again move that into the middle scroll down to post  and this is going to be the post metal okay move that into the middle  and hopefully that is good to go so what we’re going to do now is i want to show you  guys how to style something which is really important so let’s close that and close it  now if we go to some websites as you can see with the image you’ve got like a nice little border on  that image it just makes everything very very professional and just polished so how do you  actually achieve that so we can go back over here we can do that as well so turn on the builder  so we can do it two ways we can click on the image module and we could do like  let’s say boarded like that but the border is a little bit thin to be honest we could  also do drop shadow if you want to display like that or we could just go to styling  and then what we could do is we could add a border so click on border  and then we could do all so over here what we could do is use a light gray so something like  something like that should be alright and then here we can set in the thickness which is three  pixels okay then you got like a nice border like that so that looks really really cool uh  it could be like four pixels it really depends on what you want i think that looks pretty good  let’s go over here maybe let’s drop it down a little bit so maybe something like that and  then i’m just just going to add that to my color palette as well so i can use it whenever i need  so once you’re done click on done okay so how do you actually add it to the other images right so  you don’t really want to add it individually because that’s going to take too long so what  you can do is you can right click and we can copy okay so that’s going to copy the styling so let’s  go to the different images on your website right click and then we’re going to paste paste styling  okay so as you can see it’s applied already to this image and we can scroll down and  we could right click again and then we could do paste styling and then you know and so on okay so  that’s going to make it look really really cool let’s zoom out okay so that’s what it actually  looks like okay so uh make sure you zoom out of your layout and make sure like all your spacing  is all you know all good okay so you can just play around with the spacing like that and let’s say  for example we want to add you know some social media sharing links so let’s drag the social share  and we drag it below that or something like that and then we could do you know facebook twitter  uh maybe linkedin and then we could do let’s say squared and then we could do styling and  then we could move it into the middle hopefully like that let’s decrease the spacing actually let’s zoom back in so i think that looks not too bad we can also change the color if you want to uh i think that  is going to be the icon and then we could do background color and then we could do something  like that green or maybe dark green okay so that really depends on what you want really  i think that looks not too bad actually uh yeah so that really depends on what you want okay and then  what you could do is you can also add the social sharing on the bottom of your page as well just  duplicate it zoom out and then we can click on it and then we could drag it anywhere that we want  okay so we could drag it onto the bottom of our blog post like that and we can also rearrange it  to maybe something like that so i’m just going to leave it as is i’m going to delete  that okay let’s click on save oops what did i actually delete we can also undo over here  okay let’s save it and then we can close it so before i actually show you guys how to customize  the sidebar section i sort of want to show you guys uh we’re going to change the button over  here okay so we’re going to add some like calls actions within our blog post and we need to change  the color so we can click into the button module and we can change the color over here but you got  limited options right so i’m going to select transparent and then let’s go to styling let’s  go to button link background so i’m not going to select green for this one i want to select the  color that stands out a little bit which is maybe the orange okay so i’m going to use something that  stands out now you can use red or depending on what you want okay so let’s paste that in  okay so that’s going to stand out a bit more so then the next thing is the link color we’re  going to change that to white okay and then for the hover color let’s just change it to  a darker orange copy that’s and then we can paste that in okay then what we could do is make sure we  add that to a color palette same thing for this one add that in okay and then here get started  with tubebuddy so we could change this link color as well manually so let’s go to styling go to link  and then for the link color change it like that and then for the hover we can change it like that  okay so then we could also make it a little bit bigger so like heading two or maybe not  maybe heading yeah maybe add heading four or heading three okay something like that so you can  rearrange it um and then we could make it less bold maybe yep something like that and save it  okay so the next section i want to show you guys how to configure your sidebar section so you  could add like a image and you could add like an advertisement a banner ad also an affiliate  link and then also show your categories and fully customize the section over here  so let’s click on save and let’s close so to edit your sidebar we need to go to  the dashboard area we can also just go to widgets uh directly so this is going to take  us to the appearance and widget section right so what we want to do is we want to edit the  i think this one sidebar section okay so for the recent post uh we’re going to delete it  recent comments we’re going to delete that as well let’s navigate over here to see what i want  to show so i might include like a profile image or a little bit about us uh really depends i think it  adds some extra trust uh for your content as well so let’s just drag in a image module from here  let’s add an image and maybe let’s add this one over here that’s okay insert that in there  save it click on done and then we could add in a text as well so over here so about me and then  you could write a little bit about yourself okay so i’m just going to grab some dummy text for now  copy that and paste that in okay so you can use it and you can bold it you can also link it as well  so save click on done now if you want to add let’s say a affiliate link so for example  uh we could add a banner so i’ll show you guys how to add a banner so for your banner there’s  actually two ways of doing it so sometimes the affiliate program might actually give you a sort  of custom html that you can add in so for example for the amazon associates uh we can actually click  over here and we’re gonna go and click on build link and then over here right it’s got the html  for that product so it’s gonna include the image as well as your affiliate link all tied together  with the shop now button and things like that or you could click on the image only and you could  also paste that in so this is the html so we can copy it all right and then we can go over here  and then we could drop in custom html and then paste that in like that and click on save okay  so or you can just do it manually so for example if you have your own image so for example drop it  below add image and upload files select files and then let’s just add in the tubebuddy logo  okay and then we could add to widget like that and then over here we can just put in our  affiliate link manually so for example okay we’re going to grab our affiliate link so copy that  and then come back over here and then we just paste that in  and save click on done so now we can actually go back over here and let’s see if we can refresh it  so here’s got an image about me and then you’ve got your amazon link  okay so that’s the html that you’ve added in and then this is the tubebuddy one that  you’ve added in manually okay so both of these if we click on it it’s going to link  and it’s going to take you over here the other one is going to take you to tubebuddy okay so  yeah so for that one actually what i want to do is i probably want to open that in a new tab if i can  let’s see edit image advanced options okay let’s open that in a new tab update and save  okay let’s go back over here let’s refresh that  and then let’s click that okay that’s going to open a new tab so that’s what we want okay  so that is pretty much it for your sidebar um we can also add in like categories as well so  for example uh where is it categories over here we could drop that in below okay and then you  could arrange it okay so you can click on done you could also do like the most popular post  so for example i think this one featured post okay so drop that in like that and you can also set the  thumbnail size so for the thumbnail it’s going to be 128 by 720 okay 72 sorry and then we could do  uh display the post thumbnail uh you could also uh not display it so we can relabel like most popular  and then we could save it and then let’s see what that looks like okay let’s refresh it and then  that looks like like that okay so you could do that as well we can also remove the post thumbnail  done refresh it okay so this is something that you can play around uh with yourself so you’re not  going to break anything so you can just rearrange it and you can play around with the different uh  widgets and display it okay so part number six i’m going to be going through on-page search engine  optimization as well as off-page optimization so this part is really really important because  it’s going to help us rank our website on google right we want to make sure that on our website it  is fully optimized so that when google scans our website then they know exactly what our website  is about and it has all the best settings so we’re going to go through that and then i’ll go through  off page optimization which is basically getting backlinks to your website so generally the more  backlinks you have on your website the higher that your website is going to rank so i’m going  to go through that in detail a little bit later so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to  install a plugin called yoast seo so we’re going to go to dashboard so this is a plugin that  is basically going to help us optimize our website on our page so when we hover over plugins over  here click on add new and we’re going to search for yoast and click on enter so it should be  this one over here yoast seo by team yoast and it has over 5 million active installations installed  so once that is installed then we need to make sure we activate it just by clicking on activate  and it should show the little icon on top so the next thing we need to do is click on post and we  want to make sure that all our posts and pages are well optimized okay so if it’s like your affiliate  disclaimer page or your about page you might not really need to sort of optimize it that much  because you’re not really trying to rank that on google right so if it’s like a review post and you  want to make affiliate commissions from it then you want to make sure that it is fully optimized  right so we can click on edits so on the right hand side yoast will actually show up like that  you can also click back onto the gear icon to display the old uh display panel okay so what i  generally like to do is just scroll down to the very bottom and you’ve also got the yoast panel  um down here as well okay so scroll down to the bottom of the post and navigate over here so the  first thing you’ll need to do is put in a focus key phrase so this is going to be the keyword  that you want to target for your page or your post so for example it’s going to be tubebuddy  review so what yoast basically does it’s going to take that keyword and it’s going to scan the  content on your page and it’s going to provide us of a simple checklist to follow so if we actually  click on seo analysis then you can see some of the problems and the things that we’ve also done well  okay already and it’s going to provide us a simple checklist that we just follow  step by step to make sure our page is well optimized for this specific key phrase over here  okay so i’m just going to go through each of the different settings that you should have optimized  so the most important thing is you want to make sure that your focus keyphrase is in your title  so for most of you it should already be your post title already so if you don’t have your keyword in  there you want to make sure you have your keyword in there and try to keep it at the front of your  title as well okay so tubebuddy review and then you could have you know what is it and should  you use it or anything like that after that okay because this is going to be really important if  you know someone searches tubebuddy review and they look at your title and don’t have it within  you know your title then they’re probably not going to click into that okay so that’s going  to be a really really important factor so the next thing that you want to do is if you want  to edit manually you can do that as well just by navigating to seo title and deleting that  and just typing that in so two body review and then you could do is it’s really worth your money  okay so you want to make sure your title is also um has your keyword but it’s also like enticing  for someone to actually click into okay so for me i’m just going to have it as the default one  so i’m going to put the variable in there and it’s going to take it from my post title  and add it there okay so for your meta description by default it’s going to just take a random  snippet of a piece of content on your website and include it in your meta description so this  is uh the description over here okay so we can go over here and we can type in a meta description  that we want okay so we could do like in this tubebuddy review will be taking an in-depth look at all the features and benefits and then maybe like does it really gets you more views find out here something like that okay so  with your uh meta description i generally try to include the the keyword in there as well okay it’s  one of the checklist items over here as well um but if you can’t include it naturally then you  don’t have to right so with these different things um besides the sort of the the title uh here  like sometimes if you don’t get it 100 then it’s okay right you don’t need to like have  everything 100 optimized so if you have like 80 of them like you know green then it should  be pretty much good to go okay so here we can actually just look through the different things  and just fix it okay so as you can see i already have a lot of these green now mainly because i’ve  done this a lot of times and actually you know when i’m creating content then i’m really aware  of it and i’ll try to actually do it already so let’s say for example you want to fix something  then let’s say for example this one your keyphrase does not appear in the first paragraph then you  can actually fix it okay sometimes you might not have any outbound links which is like linking  outside your own website and internal links which is in linking uh within your own website you might  not have it so i’ll show you guys how to fix that and for example the image alt attributes okay so  you can just work through this yourself as well i’m gonna click on update and then i’m gonna click  on view post okay so just turn your builder and if you want to fix something it’s fairly easy let’s  just say for example you want to add you know your keyword within the first paragraph just click into  the first paragraph and try to include it within the content naturally right you don’t want to just  like squeeze it in anywhere you want to make sure that the sentence actually makes sense okay so if  you can’t do it then don’t do it right so if you want to add let’s say for example um the the the  link so an external link um outbound link then let’s say for example we can link misinformation  click on the link over here click on link options and then you can put in your url over here  and link it up okay so most of the time for outbound links or external links i’m going to  open it in a new tab mainly because i want to keep people on my own website and then we can click on  add link now if you want to add an internal link let’s say for example you have another article  about youtube growth and how to grow your channel so maybe i can link you know this keyword  to that page so people can click into it and they can read about that content so it also has to make  sense right it has to be relevant before you link anything so you can click over here click on that  and then over here we can just search for our content so for example if you have  you know the content and you know the title you can just type in the title so let’s say for  example we’re going to link it to our about page right then we can actually just click it like that  and it’s gonna link up okay so for an internal link a link on our own website i’m gonna just link  it as is without opening in a new tab okay and add link like that okay so the other thing is for the  image alt tags so if we click into an image that we’ve added you can add the alt tag over here so  by default when google actually scans your website and they look at images they can’t really read you  know what that image is about so that’s why you know all tags are important um it basically gives  like a little description on the image so that when they read the alt tag then they know you  know what that image is about all right so you can add your alt tag over here okay and click on done  so those are just the basics uh that you need to do so once you’ve done it you can just save it and  you can click back to the back end of that post okay and then you can scroll down and you can  try and work through you know the different other things that need to be fixed as well  okay so as you can see it says your key phrase does not appear to be in the first paragraph  um but if we actually go to our page over here you’ll notice that you know it does  include it within our first paragraph actually right same thing over here okay that should be  the first paragraph i think it might actually be because we’ve got content on the right hand side  and for some reason you know yoast seo might be reading that and they can’t actually see they read  this content over here okay so don’t worry about it if you can’t do it as long as you know you’ve  included it over here then what really matters is that google just scans the sort of the back end of  your website and they’ll know that it’s actually included there okay so yoast seo is just like  a checklist tool it’s not like a tool that tells google you know uh where uh your keyword actually  is right so it’s just basically there to actually just help you right so if we go back over here  then you can go through each of these uh different things and fix it once you’re done just click on  update so the next thing that we want to do is we want to click on plugins and want to install  a google site kit so what we want to do is connect our website with google analytics and also the  google search console so basically if you actually search our website right now so we take the url  and let’s type in our url over here just paste that in let’s type site and colon hit on enter  so what we want to do is try and index our website okay so what we need to do is install  our google search console and add our website over there okay so if we go back over here okay  so we’re going to click on add new and then we’re going to search for google site kit hit on enter  and then we’re going to install this right so it’s going to help us connect google analytics  and also the search console really really easily so with google analytics you’re able to track  how many visitors are coming to your website and what they’re actually doing on your website how  long they’re staying so basically once you actually have that information then you can  figure out how you can actually improve your content and your website and things like that  by looking at the statistics okay so once that is installed click on activate  so what you also want to do is make sure to actually log into your gmail  or your google account and once you’ve done that then we can just click on start setup  and then we can just sign in with google and then i’m going to select my gmail accounts just allow that and allow that scroll down and allow that  okay so now it just needs to verify ownership of your website and that’s going to add they’re  going to add a html code with the actual plugin so click on proceed and then click on allow  and then we can add the site and then that is done okay so go to my dashboard okay so  it’s connected with google search console so the next thing i want to connect is google  analytics right so it’s going to track your visitors so click and connect service  and select your accounts and select your accounts just allow that and then allow okay so it’s going  to create a new account for us and our account is going to be maybe just affiliate tutorial so this  should be your uh basically your website name or your company name okay this is the website and  you can set in your country and time zone and create account let’s select that one allow so he’s gonna select my country here australia accept the terms of service  and then accept go to my dashboard okay so that is pretty much done right so that’s gonna start gathering the analytics data once  you know you have a few visitors coming onto your website so let’s say for example uh what we could  do is we can search for the page so our page is tubebuddy oops tubebuddy review and then we can  click into that and view data and that’s going to give us you know how many visitors are coming  to your website uh how long they’re staying for you know are they clicking on other uh pieces of  content on your website or they are they just leaving okay so once you do have visitors then  it’s going to show over here and then you can start looking at the data and you know optimizing  your website and making it better improving it and things like that so the other thing that we  want to do is we want to submit a sitemap file so basically this is going to help google better  understand how to crawl our website and you know when we when we publish new content then hopefully  it’s going to index our pages a lot quicker as well so this is really important so we can go  back over here and what we can do is go to yoast right so ghost over here click on general tab  go to features and then for the xml sitemap we can click on the uh question mark okay and then see  the xml sitemap and it’s going to redirect us over here okay so we could just copy this url just the  last part of it okay so sitemap index.xml right just copy that and you should receive an email  and you can also just click on submit a sitemap or you can just go and search google search console  and login okay so it’s going to click on start here and we can navigate to sitemaps on the left  okay and then just paste in the url okay so our website sitemap over there submit okay let’s click  on got it that should be good to go so let’s go back over here and that is pretty much it  for your on-page search engine optimization so make sure you optimize all the posts and pages  that you want to rank uh rank for okay so for the other pages which aren’t as important like you’re  about affiliate disclaimer you don’t really have to optimize those ones okay so the next thing i  want to talk about is your off-page seo which is basically getting backlinks to your website  so backlinks act like a vote for your website and generally the more backlinks you have so the more  sort of popular your website is and the higher google actually rank your pages and your website  okay so what i want to talk about now is off page seo which stands for off-page search engine  optimization so it’s everything that we do off our website and that basically means getting backlinks  to our website right so i want to explain a little bit about what backlinks are first so for example  um in this article in neil patel’s blog in his article within here there’s links right  so if you click on that link then it’s linking to another website and that is basically a backlink  now generally the more backlinks that you have to your website so for example we have a lot  of backlinks to our website over here that means that it tells google that our website is popular  and therefore it should rank it higher okay so that’s the general sort of idea behind backlinks  so we need to have good on page optimization so we need to have good content and make sure that  it is fully optimized so that when google scans our website that it knows what we’re talking about  then it needs some backlinks to tell google that okay our website is more popular than  other websites so it’s also really important to note that not all backlinks are created equal  and each backlink have sort of different weights to them and how much they’re actually worth and  how much they’ll actually increase your ranking by right so one of the factors is the sort of  domain authority of a website so if you were to actually get a link from neil patel’s blog  which is a very very authoritative website with a lot of trust and it also has a lot of traffic as  well then it’s going to be worth a lot more than if you were to get a link from a less  established website and another factor is the location of the link so if the link is within  the content itself just like this then it’s going to be worth more than if the link is coming from  like the footer section it’s like a sort of like a profile link that you get from your facebook page  basically links which are harder to actually obtain which is links within the content it’s  going to be worth more than links which are easier to obtain so for example if you were to get a link  from maybe like a blog comment then it’s going to be worth less okay so that’s really really  important to note as well as the relevance of the blog they’re actually getting the link from  so if you were sort of a blog talking about youtube and youtube marketing and how to make  money on youtube and you’re getting a link from maybe a blog that talks about dogs it’s not going  to be worth as much and there’s also two different types of links as well so there is the do follow  link and also the nofollow link so basically the main difference is that the do follow link will  actually pass that link juice that voting power to your website to increase your ranking directly  right whereas a nofollow link it doesn’t pass that link juice so google actually implemented this uh  years and years ago back when a lot of people were actually doing sort of blog commenting  and spamming blogs with their links so what google decided to do was implement the no follow link tag  so for example if we right click this block comment link and click on inspect then what  you’re going to notice it’s going to show a nofollow tag right so the no flow tag means that  it doesn’t pass any link juice to the website and it doesn’t directly impact the rankings  of the website okay so this is not to say that it’s not important at all because it is sort  of important for a natural backlinking profile as well as leaving blog comments is sort of going to  help you get some referral traffic back to your website especially if it’s a high traffic blog  and it’s also going to build a relationship with the blog owner as well which is really  really important in terms of our backlinking strategy that we’re going to employ later  so what i want to go through now is a specific backlinking strategy for an affiliate marketing  website so this is really important because there’s so many different strategies out there  of getting backlinks but what we’re going to do is we want to have a process and have a strategy  specific for a new website so for our affiliate marketing website we’re going to be implementing  a three-step strategy to building backlinks for it so one of the best ways to actually build  backlinks is through guest posting on different blogs and websites so what that basically means is  that we’re writing an article for another website right so for example on this forbes website over  here this is an article written by erica right so she’s a brand contributor from deloitte  and she’s written this article about productivity and within the article she’s linked back to the  deloitte’s uh article okay so that’s getting a backlink through a guest post so this is one of  the best ways to actually get a backlink because it is also a contextual link it’s a do follow link  and it’s also a relevant link that drives traffic back to your own website as well so this is a  really sort of powerful link that is going to help sort of increase your rankings for your website so  before we actually go ahead and you know do guest posts and things like that we do need to do step  number one and two so before we can actually uh do guest posting we need to build a very very solid  foundation and we also need to build relationships and things like that that’s why we need to do step  one and two before we can actually go ahead and you know find different blogs and websites and  ask if they accept any posts and things like that right because with guest posting we are basically  contacting another website owner and asking them can we submit our article on their website so what  we want to do first of all is to sort of build our own portfolio first to actually show them  the work that we can actually create so this can act like a practice for you guys and also if you  are writing a guest post for them right it’s going to drive some traffic back to to our own website  now if our own website doesn’t have any content on it then you know there’s no reason for people  to actually stick on your website and read your content and eventually become fans of your website  and if they don’t become fans of your website they’re not going to come back and  they’re not going to they don’t have anything to link to right so they’ve got no articles to read  nothing to actually link to so it’s going to be a waste if you actually you know create guest post  right now first of all i don’t think you many people are going to reply because  people want to see that you are a legitimate sort of online business before they actually work with  you okay so it’s going to be a lot easier for you to collaborate with them if you do have some  work to show for that okay so for our affiliate marketing website before we sort of focused mostly  on review content comparison content basically affiliate marketing content now generally with  that type of content it’s not really uh linkable right so most of the time when people are linking  within an article it’s generally to a resource so or it could be like two different case studies  different statistics uh it could be to show people how to do something it could be different case  studies and things like that so what we want to do first of all is to create sort of informational  content which is worth linking to and also the informational content um that sort of helps people  right because when you actually help people it’s gonna sort of help you build an audience as well  and it gives an a reason for people to come back for example uh for my website which is  talking about uh helping people how to start a youtube channel how to make money on youtube  then i would also create content for example like how to get more views on youtube seven easy hacks  or i could do like how much do youtubers earn i would do like 21 real examples basically content  that people want to read right and content that people can actually link to people can share  that type of content right so people generally aren’t going to share like my tubebuddy review  or like video iq review or any type of review so people normally link to resources so for  example if i’m creating a video showing you how to build backlinks and things like that maybe i  can’t cover every single little strategy but then i would be like okay maybe you can refer to this  blog post or you can refer to this website uh you know this video so that’s gonna i’m gonna  leave a link in the description and that’s gonna help you know build a backlink for that website  so that’s what we wanna do first of all we want to build a very very solid foundation  so you want to build at least write at least you know five informational blog posts which are in  depth and also well researched as well as finish off with your review and comparison content so  that’s going to take you a few weeks to actually complete that but it’s also very very important  right because you need a portfolio to show people that you can do great work and then it’s going to  increase your chances that you’re able to actually guest post for these websites okay so step number  two branding and engagement so this is also a really important step so what you want to do  here is that you can actually create a relevant web 2.0 profile links so for example that is  like your facebook pages um so create a facebook page create a youtube channel twitter uh profile  and if you have any social media uh profiles then you can actually add your domain or your website  link as a website or in your buyer okay so most of the time that’s going to give you a backlink  back to your website and it is probably going to be like a nofollow link but it’s going to add some  trust signals for your website and it’s going to help with your rankings as well initially okay so  what you want to do is you also want to engage within the community as well so once you actually  create those pages you want to get some initial sort of referral traffic back right so one of the  best ways to actually get that is to actually engage in the community for example on quora  right so it’s a question and answer type of website and people ask questions and  then a lot of people will actually answer those questions with an answer and here for example  you know how does tubebuddy work and then this person over here he’s explaining exactly how it  works with a link back to his video and a lot of these will have links back to their uh different  pages on their website as well and that’s going to give you some initial referral traffic okay  so it’s also going to help in terms of building a reputation for yourself on the internet because  when you want to request your different blog owners to actually guest post on their website  you sort of want to make sure you have a brand right so when people actually check your website  out and you know your social media accounts and different things like that then they see that you  are a real business okay so another thing that you should do is also do some blog commenting as well  so you can spend like 30 minutes a day doing you know question answers and also uh doing blog  comments and sort of engaging in the community it could be like on on youtube as well or perhaps on  you know a a person’s facebook page or maybe a person’s instagram page you can start engaging  there and sort of try and build a relationship with the you know website owner and things like  that okay so when you actually reach out to them then they’re more likely to know who you are  so with the blog commenting you can do that after you’ve found some relevant blogs that  you sort of want to potentially guest post on and i’ll show you guys how to find the  blogs in a minute okay so you can spend like 30 minutes per day doing these engagement activities  so basically what we want to do right now is to because no one knows our website we sort of  want to get as many eyeballs on our website as possible and this is something they just need  to do when you just first start out so no matter what business that you do when you first start out  it’s always going to be a little bit harder uh you sort of want to do everything that you can  okay so for example you could also post your articles and your blog post on your facebook  page on your twitter pages as well and things like that so what we want to do now is to find  different blogs and different websites where we can actually guest post on so for this task we can  use the ahrefs content explorer tool and we can navigate to the content explorer tab on the top  and we can enter in our topic so for example it could be a word or a phrase uh for example  let’s say for our website we’re gonna do how to make money on youtube okay and then do a search  so over here we can scroll down and we can see the different search results for that key phrase  so what we’re going to do is we’re going to click on the one page per domain because  there’s 26 000 pages and we just need the domain we don’t really need the duplicate and  you know the same pages from that domain as well so basically we can actually scroll down and what  you’re going to notice is that a lot of these websites are quite popular so for example the  domain rating is very very high they get a ton of traffic and if you’re like a new website then  it’s probably not a great idea to actually go for these with your first guest post or your first few  guest posts because they get a lot of traffic that means they get a ton of requests for guest posts  so you sort of want to build up to that okay so for example the shopify blog is very very popular  and you know your chances are going to be quite low if you don’t have like a you know relationship  with you know one of their uh staff and if you don’t have much of a reputation yet so what we can  do is actually set in a filter before we do we can actually set it to english first since we’re going  to be writing in english and we’re going to add in a filter and set a domain rating so we can set it  to maybe 10 and 250.

How can I make passive 3000 a month?

Okay so that’s going to pull in the websites with a domain rating of 10 to 50.  so what we could do is start sort of browsing through the different websites  to see uh if we actually want to you know submit our guest post on that because  not every website we can actually do it um because maybe it’s not relevant maybe it’s a bit old  you know maybe it’s just not a website that you want to guest post on so  what we could do is just click on the different results like that and let’s click through okay and you can also do like a different search as well uh so for example we could do like how to  get small views on youtube and then we can click on search and then we can scroll down we can click  on the different results as well like that’s so basically opened up a few more different websites  uh what i want to show you now is basically the process of trying to find a good opportunity uh  for our guest post okay so this one over here our first website this online world so the first  thing i’ve noticed over here is that’s you know this post is quite recent and that’s definitely  a good sign then the next thing that you want to look at is you know is the content on the website  sort of um something that you can produce something that is relevant to your own niche  and also does the actual blog accept you know guest posts uh on their on their website okay  so you can look through that and normally on the bottom you might actually find like a author’s  buyer for example over here okay so this one is ryan scribner he’s a full-time youtuber and also  the founder of another blog and he has written a guest post on this blog okay so what you do  want to look at also is probably like the about page and check out the different uh social media  channels see they’re actually active if there are then maybe you want to shortlist it and instead of  actually contacting them you know directly um then maybe what you do want to do is try to engage with  them on their different social media platforms so for example uh you would spend you know 30 minutes  a day you know commenting on the content that they produce perhaps on their facebook page maybe  retweeting their tweets and things like that okay or sharing their content on your facebook page  right so you do want to get them on your radar first especially if it’s like a  a blog where it’s like very very personal which i think you know this blog is right it’s very  very personal and i think a lot of the blog posts like he actually writes himself some other blogs  a little bit different as well so maybe i’ll show this this one and spend more time to engage with  this one so we can look through some of the other ones as well and we can look at you know is it  relevant to my own niche as well sometimes this one maybe perhaps i wouldn’t maybe so let’s just  click on the about us you know sometimes you can tell from the content um it’s not like really like  a personal blog they just have a lot of different uh guest posts on there let’s have a look  okay so this one maybe not so this one over here it’s like i don’t know this is like a maybe just  sharing different content so what you can actually do if you do come across something like this  right you can go back over here and we can set and add a filter to like set words to maybe  uh above 1000 okay so maybe it won’t actually show uh results like this one over here okay  so that isn’t good this one over here uh you can take a look at it and see is it  something that you want to post on maybe not you know it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of  um you know traffic a lot of followers following this blog i don’t know just the feel of it maybe  i don’t want to post on this one this one over here let’s have a look is it like a real person so you can look through the content as well okay if it is then  we would uh click on the contacts and see if we can get in touch with them  um this one over here okay 2016 it is a bit old so let’s click on the blog  okay so it seems like they haven’t updated their blog uh recently so probably not worth trying to  contact them this one over here okay so this one i think i’m pretty sure this one is actually like a  private blog network uh where they just sell seo services so we can click on some of these ones  and check their blog post you know are they linking to okay so it’s linking to a company  website this one linking to like a product service page this one is yeah it does it does look like  you know it does look like a private block network so so i probably don’t want to post  on this one don’t want to contact them this one over here perhaps uh maybe it’s a bit old  you want to look through their different content so maybe not this one this one over here doesn’t  look too bad it’s like a real person and let’s say okay so maybe this one okay so that’s what i like  to look for like is it like a real person because normally if it’s like not like a real brand then  they won’t have much of a following and you won’t get much traffic to your website and things like  that so this one over here you know maybe maybe not i probably have to look a little bit deeper  so sometimes uh what you’re going to notice is that if you scroll down to the very bottom uh  you might actually see like a write for us page right so these ones openly accept guest post  uh if you do want a guest post on it then what you do want to do is look through their different  requirements okay so if you can actually fulfill those requirements then i think it’s a good idea  maybe to to get in touch and you know contact them and submit your guest post so websites like  this they might not have like a very uh loyal following compared to a website like this where  you know it’s very very personal but i think it might be still a good idea  um just to get some initial links to your website and to do some guest post  uh to start off with as well um especially if you know they’ve laid it out for you  probably going to be a little bit easier okay so this one over here as well  i think it does have a write for us page so what you can actually do is you can actually use google  as well you can do like your topic for example youtube plus and then uh write for us okay so you  can type that in and you can see some of these websites over here just by clicking into them  and they might have like a write for us page where you can actually submit like a guest post as well  okay so you have to look through this manually uh yourself and you can also just shortlist this  on like a google doc or an excel document you can also sort of export it uh export it as well  for example export it so then you can just export it onto your computer and then you can actually  use a tool called and you can actually search up their domain and try to find the emails  that way so you can actually bulk import the domains for example let’s say we take this domain  over here like sometimes they might not have a contact page or they might not get back to you  you can actually take the domain and you can use the tool like and you can just  put in their domain over here and we can click on search and that’s going to give you their email  addresses so it’s not going to work every single time but sometimes it might work and you’ll have  a direct email to them okay because sometimes the contact email might not go directly to their email  it might go to the junk mail or whatever it is but if you’re able to actually contact them for  example maybe their personal assistant uh then it might actually uh be quite effective in your  outreach campaign okay so i think personally probably uh doing it manually is probably the  best uh solution um it is a bit tedious but you get to sort of look through each website  and sort of manually filter it rather than just you know export it in bulk so that is pretty  much it in terms of actually finding different opportunities where you can actually guest post  so the next thing that i want to talk about is how to actually email them right so i’m going to give  you guys a very very simple template that you can use um as a sample right so you could do like hey  john big fan of your work especially x y and z post i’m Jason from i’ve written four  and then maybe you can provide a few examples you don’t want to provide  too many you can also just provide examples of your work if you haven’t done any guest posts yet  and then you could say i was wondering if you accept any guest post if you do let me know  because i love to write for your blog right so very very simple and then you can include a few  different ideas uh that would work really well for their blog okay so what i recommend is making sure  that you have done your research on you know seeing what blog posts work well on their blog  and also if you want to go the extra mile then you can also do some keyword research as well  right because at the end of the day they also want to get more traffic to their website right so if  you actually have done the work um to actually do some keyword research then you can actually show  them you know this is a great opportunity as well for you to actually get some more traffic okay so  what you want to do is you want to sort of set this as like a daily uh process where you reach  out to like a dozen uh different websites because not everyone’s going to get back to you okay and  then what you need to do is you want to make sure that you follow up okay so follow up uh with like  a follow-up email uh to ask if they’ve received email and things like that because sometimes they  might just ignore it um and you might have to try again okay so make sure to not be like too  pushy uh in terms of you know getting guest posts sometimes they just don’t want to so that’s fine  and you have to move on and then later on once you’ve built your portfolio your reputation  then reach out again okay so in terms of actually writing up your content uh so what i do recommend  is obviously looking at their own requirements first and if they don’t have any requirements  make sure to ask them okay so generally in terms of the links back to your own website  you should only include one to two maximum okay so depending on the length of your content maybe if  it’s like more than like 2 000 words maybe you can link to it two times but generally  probably just one time and then you can also link to maybe some external resources as well  also make sure to ask them about that okay so you could also link back internally to their  own website so what you could do is after you’ve written your guest post then you could also look  at the content on their on their blog and try to help them internal link uh to their own website  right because that’s gonna help with help with their own on-page seo as well  and help their own uh pages to rank okay so you can do that and then what you need to do is  uh make sure to not include any affiliate links unless they say you can and you don’t necessarily  need to link directly back to your review page right so so for example i would do something  like before i create a video i always check out the competition by doing a general search  on youtube if it looks like a decent opportunity i will then do some keyword research i normally  use tubebuddy for this purpose and then i can link it to my tubebuddy review okay so sometimes that  is maybe like on the borderline you know two commercial because it’s linking back to my review  if it is then i would probably link to maybe like another article on my website for example an  article showing people how to actually do keyword research and within that article then i’ll link  to tubebuddy so what i mean is that i would have let’s say a tubebuddy review and then i might have  a how to do keyword research for youtube right and then instead of linking directly to my review  i will link to this article first okay and then from this article i’ll link to this review  right so this is uh internal linking right that’s still going to pass a little bit of link juice  um but with guest posting sometimes it can be a little bit uh you just don’t want to do  that right you just don’t want to link directly to like a product page or like a service page  um sometimes you can do that uh just make sure to ask them okay so that’s pretty much all for  guest post make sure you provide really great quality content and make sure to  organize you know all your images and screenshots and optimize all the image sizes for them  so you want to make it as easy as possible for them to actually just publish that guest post  so that in the future then they’ll like to work with you right and then once they’ve actually  posted their guest post make sure to actually follow up and engage with the comments if there  is any comments so that you can actually get some referral traffic back to your website as well  okay so in the beginning it’s going to be quite hard and quite manual in terms of actually  building backlinks and doing guest posting and creating content but after a little while then  your content will start ranking on google right and that’s going to naturally get you some more  people on your website and if they like your content then they’re going to link back to you  right and then that basically means that you’re going to get more backlinks  and that’s going to increase your rankings right so then once that starts going then you’re going  to start getting more and more natural backlinks to your website and everything else is going to  start ranking as well right so basically the more people that come onto your website  then the more opportunity you’re going to get for natural backlinks and then you don’t have to do as  much guest posting anymore because a lot of people are going to link to you naturally right so this  is like the flywheel effect and if you actually read a little bit more about the flywheel effect  uh jim collins actually discusses this in his book i think it was like good to great  and it talks about amazon’s flywheel effect so basically he talks about how uh you put in a  lot of effort in the beginning and until one day the flywheel starts to turn right so you’re going  to put in a lot of initial effort and then once the flywheel starts to turn then it’s going to be  really really easy for you and all you need to do is to produce really great content  so this is amazon’s flywheel and basically what drives growth is very great customer experience  so that’s going to drive more people to actually use the website so more traffic to their website  and because there’s a lot of people on the website then sellers will be attracted  to actually put their products and list it on their website that’s going to increase  selection and that’s going to increase customer experience and that’s going to drive lower prices  and that’s going to sort of drive growth naturally right so for example for our own flywheel is that  we’re gonna produce really great content uh but initially we do have to get people on our website  first right to get some fans and subscribers and then once we do have fans and subscribers then we  might get links naturally okay so getting links naturally is always going to beat you trying to  always trying to obtain links right so that’s going to increase our rankings and visibility  for our website that’s going to get more people to read our really great content and then it’s  going to get more links and then we’re going to get more rankings and yeah so that’s going to  sort of drive growth for our own website right just like if you were to open a restaurant um you  have really great service really great food and really great value initially there might not be  a lot of people to our restaurant and we have to do a lot of advertising marketing for the  restaurant but then once people actually come to our restaurant they really love the product  then they recommend them to their friends and then their friends will recommend them to their friends  and it’s going to keep on going and that’s going to drive growth for the restaurant okay same thing  for our website initially it’s going to take a lot of manual work but eventually it’s not going to be  as tedious and all you really need to focus in on is to create really great content and that’s  gonna drive your growth okay so that’s pretty much it for off page seo okay so we’re pretty  much finished with this free course uh showing you guys how to create an affiliate marketing website  what i want to do now is just to give you some final tips to help you guys succeed faster with  your website so the first tip is what i recommend is actually targeting long tail keywords for your  website’s content right so when you’re actually doing keyword research and you’re using ahrefs  what i recommend is using the sort of filter tool on the top so what we can actually do is we can  actually filter the keywords by using the word count and we can target long tail keywords by  selecting key phrases which are five words or more so we can click on apply now generally with these  keywords they are going to be lower competition and you’re going to be able to actually create  content which is more targeted so that’s going to give you a more chance to actually rank your  website quicker especially if you’re a new website you don’t really want to target key phrases which  are too short because they’re going to be higher competition and it’s not as targeted so you want  to focus on low competition keywords first until your website builds some more authority and trust  then you can actually go ahead and target more competitive terms make sure to get a  few sales first and then you can really once you actually believe you can actually get results  then you’re gonna you know take more action then you’re gonna get even more results so you can  also set the volume over here to maybe up to a thousand and click on apply and you can also set  the keyword difficulty to maybe up to 30 right so go for low competition first then aim higher later  so tip number two is to be early so when you’re actually choosing a niche i highly recommend  choosing a niche that you are very interested in because if you’re interested in a niche  then when a new product comes out generally you’ll know about it right then you’re able to actually  create content earlier than everyone else that means that your website is going to rank a lot  easier because there’s going to be no competition at all so that’s really really important i think  within sort of anything that you do in business if you’re early then you’re always going to have this  early movers advantage right that’s going to be the same thing for an affiliate marketing website  so for example you could do like you know maybe old product versus the new version of product  should you actually upgrade right so that’s a very very targeted uh key phrase that you can  actually use uh when you’re actually doing new product uh reviews and things like that  so tip number three if you guys want to get fast results what i recommend is actually turning  your blog post into a video so what you can actually do is if it’s like a product especially  like a digital product you can create like a tutorial sort of review and you can go through  all these points in video you can talk about the pros and the cons you can show people the features  how to use it uh what you’d like and what you don’t like by doing a screen recording just like  i’m showing you right now in the screen recording and tutorial for pc you can use camtasia to record  as well as edit and if you’re using mac then you can use screenflow to record your screen and also  edit as well and if you guys are really serious about it then you’re probably going to need a mic  and for that i recommend the blue yeti mic and you can also get the blue yeti nano as well if you  don’t want something that’s you know really bulky all right so this one is really really bulky and  really big probably not going to be great for traveling this one is really really small and  really awesome as well so if you actually upload onto youtube then all you need to do is you know  make sure you create a really nice thumbnail make sure to actually do some keyword research as well  by using tubebuddy or vidiq and you can put in a title try to make it a little bit different from  other people put in a description and you can also put in your link so for example the review link in  the description or in the comment section that’s going to get your backlink back to your website  and it’s probably going to get you some referral traffic as well that’s going to help your  website rank on google and yeah if you’re creating a video you’re able to showcase the product a lot  better as well and if you’re showing your face then you’re going to be able to build some trust  and you don’t have to build any backlinks to your video so that means it’s going to be a lot faster  for you to actually get results especially if you have really good watch time for your videos  right so i’m not going to talk too much about it but creating a video is just you know so awesome  because you’re able to also build a brand and when you are reaching out to get guest post then it’s  going to be easier for you as well so tip number four is repetition and execution so in this video  i’ve shown you guys how to do everything just once so for example i’ve shown you guys how to set up  the website once i’ve shown you guys how to use the builder once i’ve shown you guys how to create  content once how to do keyword research once how to actually add that content onto your website one  time so the thing is uh you’ve learned everything one time right but to actually get results you’ve  got to actually repeat those actions over and over again just like if you were to let’s say go to the  gym or something like that and you want to get fit so you’ve got to go on the treadmill you know  every single day like for weeks and months until you get really great results so the same thing  with your affiliate marketing website you’ve got to execute on a daily basis and what i recommend  is having sort of like a daily process so take what you’ve learned from this video and you  know write out your own daily process of content creation of keyword research and things like that  so obviously you can you know group it into like for example you could do keyword research one week  and then maybe the next week you could just batch create the content and things like that  and then the week after you can you know edit the content right the concept of affiliate marketing  the concept of passive income it’s super easy to explain and it’s really easy just to watch a few  videos but to actually get results you’ve got to take action okay so that’s going to be super super  important in terms of being successful online so tip number five and the last tip is to focus  so make sure to focus on your readers make sure to focus on the people that you are trying to help so  create content to help those people and that’s all you should really just focus on right don’t focus  on other businesses don’t focus on e-commerce don’t focus on you know drop shipping don’t focus  on amazon fba don’t focus on anything else other than helping your readers other than creating the  best reviews possible i think this is the biggest trap that most beginners fall in is to chase  a lot of different sort of making money online opportunities and not just sticking to one until  you’re successful so i’m not saying that you can’t do those ventures later but until you actually  start making money and until you make stable income from your affiliate marketing website  don’t go and do other things right it’s just like choosing a sport let’s say you choose tennis let’s  say you choose basketball you don’t really want to switch from that to like swimming and then to like  other sports as well because it’s going to take you time to actually learn the skills required to  be actually good at it to be able to actually earn an income so this is going to be the same with  affiliate marketing and your affiliate marketing website so yeah so make sure to focus and don’t  get distracted by you know what is hot and what is trending at the moment focus on your readers  and your customers so that is pretty much it for this free course on showing you guys how to make  an affiliate marketing website so what i’m going to do is hopefully within three to six months i’ll  update you guys with the progress of my website so i didn’t really want to reveal it right now  because i don’t want people like copying exactly what i do and things like that um so yeah so  if you have any questions drop it in the comment section down below so hopefully i can create a few  more videos to show you how to add in a few more things to sort of fully customize your affiliate  marketing website but i’m not really sure you know how this video is actually going to do so this is  a very very long video like four hour video but it literally covers everything you need to know  to create a thousand dollar per month or even more affiliate marketing website yeah do let me  know in the comments below what you guys think of this video and make sure to give it a thumbs up if  you found any value in it it really helps me out because it did take a long long time to actually  put together for you guys so thank you guys for watching and see you guys in the next video

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