7 Email Marketing Services Best for Small Business (2020)

Is email marketing necessary for your business in 2020? here, I will show you the best email marketing software?

Choosing the right email marketing service for your business can have a significant impact on the success of your marketing campaign. In this article, I will review the 7 Email Marketing Services Best for Small Business.

best email marketing services

Why is it important to Choose The Best Email Marketing Service?

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools for small businesses. According to the DMA (Direct Marketing Association), email marketing on average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the United States.

This is because email marketing is very easy to manage, it gives you full control, and it allows you to connect directly with your customers.

It’s really important to understand that most of your success with email marketing depends mainly on the email marketing software you use because the software is responsible for making sure that your emails actually get delivered.

If you don’t be careful, then you might end up paying a lot more money for lesser features and bad email deliverability rates (This causes you to lose even more money).

What to Look for in a Best Email Marketing Tool?

A best email marketing service should provide you an option to create highly engaging email newsletters with an easy to use user interface (basically drag & drop should do it).

You should be able to send bulk emails that are actually personalized, it should have an option to personalize emails without a lot of work. this is also called as automating your marketing efforts.

Apart from this, the email marketing service you use should make it easier to:

  • Manager your contacts
  • Create segments for users into groups
  • Track the performance of the emails you sent.
  • Track the performance of your marketing campaigns.

It’s highly important, that you check a good email marketing service, which make sure, that your emails does not end up in the spam folder of known email providers.

With that said, let’s have a look at some of the most popular email marketing service providers and how they rank up against each other.

1. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the biggest and fastest growing email marketing service provider in the industry. It is also the really easy to use and beginner friendly email marketing service provider.

You Can:

  • Easily manage your email lists
  • Easily manage your contacts
  • Easily manage your Email Templates
  • Easily manage your Marketing Calendar
  • And a lot more…

Here’s What You Get With Each Account:

  • Easy Tracking and reporting
  • Built-in social media sharing tools
  • free image library
  • list segmentation
  • Facebook ads integration
  • really powerful eCommerce integration for Shopify Stores.

They also have Email Plus Accounts which comes with powerful features

Here’s what you get:

  • Email Automation
  • Survey & Polls
  • Coupons
  • Online Donations
  • Subject line A/B test, which helps you to send targeted emails to maximize the open rate of your emails.

Constant Contact provides awesome support with live chat, phone calls, email, community support, and a very large library of helpful resources.

They have online training manuals, in-person live seminars account all United States. These features allows small websites / business to learn the basics of email marketing in no time and use it to grow their website / business like a pro.

For all the reasons explained above, I rate Constant Contact the best email marketing service provider for small website / businesses.

Constant Contact has a 60-day free trial (no credit-card required). After that their pricing starts as low as $20/month.

2. SendinBlue


SendinBlue provides a complete SMS and Email Marketing software for businesses. It’s one of the fastest growing email marketing platform in all Europe.

They have one of the east to use platform with really excellent tools for you to create beautiful and highly engaging emails. A simple drag and drop tools are just perfect for beginners who has no experience in email marketing.

SendinBlue comes with beginner-friendly tools for automation that allows you to:

  • Send transactional emails.
  • Create workflows
  • Segment users
  • Select best time to send emails automatically using theri AI algorithms.
  • Their AI ensures your emails get delivered to maximum users at the right time.

SendinBlue has a completely free email marketing plan, that lets you send upto 300 emails a day, but there’s a catch.

In this plan, all your emails will have their branding. If you don’t want their branding to show on your emails you’ll need to use their paid plans.

The Paid plans starts with $25 per month, you can also include SMS to your account, but the pricing will chance depending on your sending requirements.

Recently, they improved their premium plan and added more advanced features like;

  • Landing page builder
  • Live chat
  • CRM
  • Facebook ads and more…

Which means now you get more value for the same price.

SendinBlue also provides a seperate SMTP bulk email marketing service which you can utilise to power your automated or transactional emails directly from your WordPress website.

Note: you don’t need this service for email marketing campaigns, but it’s always nice to have this feature of you have a large website, and you want to automate content based emails.

3. Drip


Drip has a really powerful email marketing platform for bloggers, eCommerce and digital marketers. They offer a wide range of tools like:

  • Marketing Automation
  • Sales funnels
  • Easy personalization

Drop has seamless integration with almost all popular website builders, which includes WordPress and WooCommerce. which means you can easily add sign-up forms to your website and collect more leads.

Here’s why Drip is different from the competition:

  • Campaign Monitor is their intelligent marketing automation tools
  • Smarter email segmentation
  • List groups
  • Visual workflow builder

These features helps you to get more sales by reaching your targeted customers in your email list.

Support Options:

  • Live chat support
  • Webinars
  • Automation training
  • Detailed courses
  • Free guides and excellent documentation.

I use Drip for few of my businesses, it allows me to send bulk emails and connect with engaging customers on a personal level using theri smart eCommerce marketing automation feature.

It’s a little pricey, but I personally believe Drop is a beat email marketing software out there to provide more advanced features for eCommerce websites and business owners.

Drip provides a free trial option, and their plans starts from $49 / month which includes all their features.

4. ConvertKit


ConvertKit has a robust email marketing platform for authors, marketers and professional bloggers. it is one of the easiest to use and incredibly powerful.

ConvertKit has a really unique feature which allows you to create email signup forms to offer content upgrades and incentives. it also provides easy to manage auto-responders which allows you to send dripped emails using their emailing service.

With ConvertKit, you can easily segment subscriber into category of who are interested and who have already made an purchase. It helps you create more personal feel emails and increase conversions with automated emails.
In marketing , we call this as “targeted email marketing.”

ConvertKit provides email based support and have a vast knowledge base with really great easy to understand material.

Most of the ConvertKit features are designed for professional bloggers and content creators which is why I rate them best email marketing service for professional bloggers.

ConvertKit gives you a 14-day free trial, and their pricing starts from $29/month. They also offer a 30-day refund policy.

5. AWeber


AWeber is the oldest and the most popular email marketing service provider in the industry. They have a vast-range of tools for bloggers, marketers, small and medium sized businesses to manager their email marketing campaigns.

Getting started is very easy with AWeber. It lets you connect seamlessly to WordPress and other platforms.

it gives you access to ready to use email templates, auto-responders, list management and email tracking with detailed insights.

AWeber support includes:

  • Live chat
  • email support
  • phone support
  • live webinars
  • A vast library of how-to and tutorials.

AWeber gives you a 30-day free trial. And after that, the pricing starts from $19/month. You can also signup for quarterly or annual plans to save even more.

6. GetResponse


GetResponse is also very popular email marketing service provider. It has extremely easy to use features and it simplifies email marketing for professional bloggers and small businesses.

It has some of the amazing marketing automation tools which can be used to create smart automated campaigns.

They also have drag and drop builder, you can create contacts, segments and campaigns which can be used to send content designed for specific group of users. with this tools you can create effective campaigns to boost your traffic and profits.

GetResponse give you ability to create responsive landing pages, beautiful responsive forms, A/B testing, tracking and auto-responders. you can integrate it with third party lead generation software like, Google Docs, OptinMonster, SalesForce, ZenDesk and more…

GetResponse Support has:

  • Phone support
  • Live chat
  • email support
  • webinars
  • learning videos

Their help sections is full of learning materials including how-to, guides and etc.

GetResponse gives you a 30-day free trial. And their pricing starts at $15/month.

7. Mailchimp


Mailchimp is the most popular email marketing service provider in the market. They offer a forever free email marketing service plan.

Mailchimp provides you with an easy to use email builder, segmenting contacts into groups, auto-responders and simple tracking form analytics. you can also setup your delivery times based on your user’s timezone and setup segmenting based on geolocation.

It can be easily integrated with WordPress, Shopify, Magento and other platforms.

Compared to other email marketing service providers in our list such as Drip or ConvertKit, Mailchimp is quite limited when it comes to marketing automation features.

Mailchimp attempted to add many advanced features in recent years, but after testing many of the features are not really advanced.

Mailchimp support has:

  • Email support
  • Live Chat support
  • A large set of tutorials and knowledge-base

However, their support is average and it has no match to the quality of service you will get from Constant Contact.

With Mailchimp you get a forever free plan and you can sent up-to 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscribers. This is a very limited plan as you dont get any features like advanced segmentation, multi-variate testing, send time optimization, etc. Their branding also shows up in your emails. last but not the least, their support is restricted to emails, it’s fine for someone who using it as hobby, but if you have a business you need a reliable support on which you can count on.

They have paid plans which start from $10/month for up to 500 subscribers, and the pricing increases with every 500 subscribers.

Final Thoughts: The Best Email Marketing Service

There are so many email marketing service providers out there, and often beginners get confused which one to choose, We want to make sure you select the right one basis on your business needs.

Here’s our Expert pick for you:

If you’re a new blogger, non-profit or small business, then I recommend you to use Constant Contact. They offer great pricing, you get top-notch support and they have a on-boarding team who will help you with your email marketing and find success right away.

If you are running an eCommerce website or Online store, Then I recommend using Drip, Because it is know to have the best eCommerce email marketing software out there and their automation and personalization features are really powerful. I personally use Drip on my eCommerce websites.

If you are a content creator or Professional blogger, Then I recommend using ConverKit, because they have an easy to use platform advanced segmentation and funnels, which will help you reach the next level of blogging.

If you are a business with the needs of a powerful marketing automation tool that has an ability to Send SMS messages, SMTP bulk emails and email marketing, Then I recommend using SendinBlue. As their services are really easiest to use and you can manage both SMS and email from one single interface. They also provide you a very generous forever free plan which separates them to be one of the best email marketing service provider out there.

I hope this article has given you a good overview of the best email marketing services for your business.

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