How much are you charged for a click on your AdWords ad?

How much are you charged for a click on your AdWords ad?

  • You’re charged only the minimum amount needed to maintain your ad’s position.
  • You’re charged $0.01 for every click.
  • You’re charged the full amount you bid.
  • You’re charged 10 cents more than the next highest bid.

Correct answer is:

  • You’re charged only the minimum amount needed to maintain your ad’s position.

    Explanation: Only the minimum amount needed to maintain your ad’s position,this much only you are charged for a click on your Google Ads ad. Actual CPC is often less than max. CPC because with the Google Ads auction, the most you’ll pay is what’s minimally required to hold your ad position and any ad formats shown with your ad, such as sitelinks. Keep in mind that your actual CPC may exceed your max. CPC if, for example, you’ve enabled Enhanced CPC or if you’ve set a bid adjustment.
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